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Everything posted by piperpa28

  1. yeah, I agree some of us are! but the world is full of fools! we all know that! I agree with people starting agreements for no reason on here are very annoying and petty!
  2. Lol! i like ur sayin alot too! LOL! not all of us new members a re "stupid c**ts"
  3. I like these ones, because I myself ride mod! Hey!!!! What you all think if a company was started up, and sold t-shirts and other bits of clothing with all your favorite sayings on, (not just trials) Would any of you be intrested?
  4. Nice one! because none of us want something up our arse!
  5. Nice! That is funny! I like the pump it one! What you all think to these sayings being printed to t-shirts then?
  6. All these remarks are used from day to day by trials riders from all over the place! So another question for you lot is, Would anyone be interested in buying t-shirts with these wicked catchy slogans printed to them? because i was wondering whether to get a few printed and sell them cheap on the trials forum, possibly different colour t-shirts, different sayings, different designs. So......let me know what you all think! Cheers! See you all soon!
  7. Thanks for all the good coments, keep them coming though! I love the "it fell off!" Speak soon!
  8. Okie dokie! cheers! By any chance is that a bail saying! lmao! Thanks
  9. Sorry what i mean is, Does anyone out there know any trials slogans such as "chavs stole my seat" or ermmmm "yes this is a real bike", or "yes Im 16 and yes im riding a childrens bike!" Sorry i was unclear before, but what im asking for is for you lot to just possibly tell me some of your famous sayings! Thanks again! Bye bye
  10. Hello! I am just wondering if any one knows any? Please post any and all no matter the content!, More the merrier!
  11. I know man! All I need is set of cranks, a bottom bracket and sum brakes thn its all gd! I cant wait!!!
  12. Hey thanks for the advice of all who helped me I am hoping to get my cranks this week for my bike so i can practice pedal kicks and hoping on my back wheel on my own bike instead of using my m8s (lol) All the advice which I have soon has really helped me! I ask a similar question, how long did it take you to become confident hoping from point to point? Talk soon dudes!
  13. Cool! hope to see you on a ride some time!
  14. Hello! i know its the most basic trials move but how the devil do I get up on to the back wheel and then hop from place to place? Because I am trying all different ways but I keep ending up pulling the bike up to far or going in to a wheelie! So please all help is greatly apreicated, picturess and diagrams would help loads! Thank for the help once again! Speak soon!
  15. Hey Anthony! I am a begginner rider who is just starting riding very soon! i am just looking for some cheap cranks and a bottom bracket to get my bike finished! Where abouts in the midlands do you live? I live in Stourbridge, and I would be happy to meet for a ride!
  16. Hey yeah! I know Tom, Beau, and Ollie, its them who got me into trials, I was just wondering if any other riders are lurking about near me lol! thanks for the help, and yeah I will probally see you both on a ride soon, what are your names btw?
  17. Hello out there, I am just wondering on how many people actually ride in or around the area of stourbridge, because I have nearly finished building my trials bike now atlast, all I need to get is some cranks and a bb. then im all set to start trials! please post if you ride anywhere near stourbridge and if it would be possible to meet for a ride sometime in the near future!(VERY NEAR!) Thanks for your time! Speak soon!
  18. Hey thanks for all the adivce, I will be looking for my cranks and bb, and freewhell for a long time to come probally lol! see you all soon!
  19. I have an 04 Onza t-bird frame with mostly basic standard parts which I have added to with mostly basic and standard Onza parts, but I have a hit problem with my rear wheel and cranks. The rear wheel I have just bought is an Onza t-bird rear wheel with sticky finger tire and tube, and I am just wondering what cranks I should be running with that and what freewheel? Some advice and help on the type of cranks, freewheel and bottom bracket to buy would be greatly appreciated! some idea on prices what I will probally be looking at paying would be helpful aswell! Thanks for all your help! All comments welcome!
  20. Hello all again, I am just wondering what is the background video playing in this video, because I keep playing the video in my media player just to the song, lol! the video is shown on the tartybikes site! Thank you for all help people! Speak soon!
  21. I free run when! but these people are this website are an embaresment to it, they need to put a hell of alot of training in to all their moves and, someone please tell them that free parkour does consist of running across a wall! they seriously need to watch other runners vids to help these fools, learn! (bad I parkour in Stourbridge) Anyone Know anyone who parkours here?
  22. Not too bad m8, looking good infact! I dont even have a video recorder yet lol! speak soon!
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