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old skool

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    james bullock
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Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. the Dx's look really nice what price where from and are they really good? and the X pedals do what the price of them?
  2. have you got a link to the DX's as ive never seen them??? and where do i get these outland pedals from as i have never seen these either!
  3. the ddg platforms look really good aswell i think im goin welgo ior V8 unless anyone can convince me otherwise!
  4. hi i'm picking up a onza t lite ultimate 06 tonight while borrowing my sisters bike i managed to smash the onza pedal so i'm going to buy a new set for my bike i'm wondering which you lot think i should go for i was after which12 or V8 then i saw the wellgo v12's what do you reckon is the best option??? i could go back to standard onza pedals but i likethe idea of the v12s and v8s Cheers For any help Jamie
  5. Cheers zanneslover ive just spoke to a guy on MSN and he says a T-pro is my best option! with out trying other bikes but still recommends that i try others first! i think i will go for a T-pro to be honest but if i ride something and really like it that may change thanks for all the help you guys ill let you know what i end up with
  6. i undersatand the BB malarchy now cheers buddy yea ill have to try ride some bikes before i buy! cheers for help again! Cheers Jamie
  7. just over a month ago i used to ride there ever saturday was great and used to watch the cyclo riders whenever they came! be good if they kept it open for you guys! you all know who to blame if they dont keep it open MONTESA and ther owners for their damn loud forustrokes!!!!!
  8. stumpy? is that good??? i'm completely cyclo trials illiterate. id prefer a onza T-mag/T-pro don't know why they just seem the best for the cash i have! montys looks similar to my old base so id prefer the onza for the different look aswell, sounds gay i know but i don't like being the same for too long i've been reading through the forum and some stuff confuses me loads i see a nice bike and others see too high/low BB (i don't even know what BB's are id guess ball bearings but... any more help is greatly appreciated Cheers Jamie
  9. does anyone ride at bracken rocks much??? just wondered as motobikes aren't allowed to practice there any more but are cyclo trials bikes???? cheers Jamie
  10. hi i'm new here. i've been riding moto trials for 8 years (since i was 8) and i got a base T20 mod trials bike to practice moto trials on. however i've sold it because there was no one to ride with. no a few of my friends are going to start riding again and i'm desperate to get back into it. i have a decent job now so i can afford something up to about £300 preferably 2nd hand! i'm just wondering whether 20'' 24'' or 26'' would suit me better i'm roughly 6ft and weigh about 10 stone (don't know if this matters really) ill be riding 50/50 street and natural but street will probably be what ill end up riding most. my sister has a monty 219 (i think) and i have been riding that a lot recently and find it a very nice bike to ride but for some unknown reason i have my heart set on a T-mag don't know why i've been in love with that style frame since i fist saw a zoo at bracken rocks 3 years ago! any help appreciated Cheers Jamie
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