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Everything posted by rathergoodpie

  1. Ok, so plan is to maybe spray this weekend. Gonna go with the peppermint green.
  2. Yeah I think Im gonna have to do a couple of new photoshops this eve
  3. Liking the sound of cream actually, bit like the original original pashleys
  4. Agreed, tattoos / skulls etc. Its all a bit emo for my liking. Clean and simple I say.
  5. any more thoughts? I did try orange but it looked gash with the red bits.
  6. Assuming its the same one... Pretty good lil vid, once I got past the first minute of roaming! Your spins and stuff are cool, good job. Considering the time riding you will soon pick up the other more trialsy stuff and link it together nicely. Wear a lid though... could have seriously smashed your head on that last clip. Rob
  7. Thought you were using thin air at the moment?
  8. Ha! Well i'd hate to be indecisive about colours....
  9. Yeah I'm leaning towards the green one, not seen many bikes in this colour. I'm gonna spray myself, I did a job on a Czar i got off Bigman a couple of years ago and that turned out quite well. Agree it needs some stickers to tie it all together though. Prob try and get some custom ones made.
  10. hmm, been doing more playing...
  11. Watergate Bay just outside Newquay. LOADS of rocks stretching all the way down the coast, mainly big rounded boulders. For more streety natural check out Cligger, just on the hill overlooking Perrenporth, its an old tin mine I think, but theres loads of concrete blocks. Basically the people you want to speak to on here about spots in Cornwall are Bigman, Rich Pearson and Dan Pearce. They will sort you out. Hope this helps. Rob
  12. Ok, so I'm now on my 5th red white and black bike, and to be honest getting a bit bored of them! I have red bits on the bike so I'm thinking of something that will complement them, Im thinking a mix between the yeti blue and a sort of peppermint green. Not sure though. Did a very quick photoshop job to try and get an Idea. I'd quite like to keep the forks / wheels black by the way. what do you think? Rob
  13. Nope, lid was at home all along! Yeah was a good ride, although two punctures this weekend! boo!
  14. First proper ride on the 24 A seat! now thats a novelty!
  15. Hmm, Jehst (not sure on the tune) and Jedi Mind Tricks - The Winds of War Dan, whats the Jehst track?
  16. Wow that takes me back! Really miss those spots. Dan, really cool little vid man, awesome to see you are getting back into riding. This is worth a watch for the camerawork alone. Some really really gorgeous shots going on in there, loving the camera strapped to the frame stuff. Worth a watch people! Hook up for a ride soon dude! Rob
  17. woo ride in brum is tempting, i'll try and be there. Rob
  18. Love that first track. Its off the Girl 'Yeah Right!' skate video isn't it? Very enjoyable watch edit - jeez took a while to find but here it is http://www.spike.com/video/invisible-board/2655625 someone should really paint their bike green and try it....
  19. Dan, you know full well that i am an awesome mechanic. Besides, the Cannondale hasn't died... yet...
  20. Yup Mr Tart has indeed worked his magic, feels so solid (crew) now. Glad you approve, I know how much you love riding street
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