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Everything posted by rathergoodpie

  1. Ok, no problem! Most of them are in and around Falmouth where we both studied. Main spots are... - Falmouth Gyllingvase Beachfront (with the graffiti) - Cant remember the name of the quarry (Bigman? any ideas?) - Falmouth headland (in front of the castle) - Spot in the second section is mainly Cligger (over looking Perrenporth by the gliding station) - Bigman's Farm! I'll add more as I remember them! edit: oh, some of the photos from the end are from Watergate Bay, just outside Newquay - amazing riding spot. Rob
  2. Nah looks a bit like Plymouth Hoe, but its actually Falmouth. Glad you enjoyed it! Rob
  3. Attempting to put together a new video soon but came across this vid we made at uni in 2005. Was shot on a pretty old skool camera but turned out ok. Nothing huge, just a nice chilled out video from Cornwall. We have loads of footage on tape somewhere (*ahem Dan) of the following summer, might see if we can edit that into something.
  4. The balance this guy has got just makes it look so effortless. Awesome little vid. Already watched a couple of times. Particularly smooth at 00:40 and 03:16 (ha Stone Cold) Rob
  5. Not really keen to be honest. Looks pretty awkward with all the frame bends. That headtube looks like its gonna tear right off! (obviously it won't, they aint stupid!) boo rockman.
  6. Might not be able to make it due to injury I'm afraid. f**ked my ankle last night.
  7. Coolio I might just meet you there (at the column) as I live that side of town. I'll drag Tom out too. I'll be at the column from about 11:30.
  8. I'm up for a ride. Probably worth heading up to the column, its quite good up there. Rob
  9. Ah yeah this was the Wiseguys one, Im sure there was definitely another with a beastie boys track though. Great find though! 2002?!! Can't believe it was that old! Wonder if he still rides...
  10. yeah if you upload to imageshack then right click on the image and 'copy image url'. When you make a new post, click on the little button with the picture of a tree that says 'insert image' (when you roll over it) and paste the url link into the dialogue box. best thing to do is preview the post before you submit it to check that it has worked. Hope this helps. Rob
  11. I might have it on an old hard drive. Will check when I get home.
  12. This was the one with the Beastie Boys track wasn't it? Filmed in Aberystwyth? Vaguely remember it, he rode a Pace?
  13. Agree with the above post, most comfortable frame I've ridden in a long time. Obv. doesn't feel as good on the back wheel as some of the longer stock frames, but you'd be surprised how well it does ride on the rear. Getting the right bar and stem combo is pretty essential IMO. Most people seem to go High rise bars and short stem - its what I've got and it feels really nice. Spins feel effortless, and it still side-hops / gaps relatively well. Echoing other thoughts on this forum, I really don't think it suits a UCi style bar and stem combo - not really what it was designed for. But I guess its whatever is good for you. Price wise I'd defo recommend going second hand. These frames are pretty bombproof, so the chances of it being knackered are small. I picked mine up with a couple of scratches from a guy off the forum for £150 - a steal when you consider the rrp is £329. Hope this helps Rob
  14. Anyone got any ideas on where to get paint other than Halfords? They've got a colour thats kinda mixed between the blue and green, but I'm after more of a peppermint green. Any thoughts?
  15. - Any brake pads other than the standard Magura blacks/reds. - Drilled rims - Tartybikes! or at least anywhere where you could actually access proper trials parts without having to go through a local shop.
  16. Brilliant! Been looking at the 02 bikeshow vids too. Eddie tongue was super smooth.
  17. Would you be up for swapping the triple coloured seat for the Volvo cannondale blue one? I'm thinking of re-building my hawyes replica!
  18. So after some further investigation it would seem that this guy has a DVD out. Gonna see if I can get hold of it. Apparently it features Waynio off of here! Anyone know any more about this?
  19. Damn you Stan! and there was me thinking I'd found something original!
  20. rathergoodpie


    Saw this on Ashtons facebook page. I personally think this guy is a beast! Doing some pretty ballsy stuff. Spin wheels for the win too! Remember them! Rob
  21. Seeing as there seem to be quite a few Designers on the forum I thought it would be nice to share what everybody does. Always inspiring to see other peoples portfolios. Doesn't matter if its web, print, motion, photography - anything. Always good to build up the contacts I work here... iDEA What does everyone else do? Rob
  22. This guys rocks on a 24 in a TGS style. When I watched this I thought he looked really comfortable on a 24, seems like its less bike to be chucking around. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=148559&hl=24&st=0
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