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Everything posted by rathergoodpie

  1. Yes! Great to see you guys riding again... still got it! Might even be persuaded to crawl out of the woodwork and get back on the bike
  2. Aw man that Eddie Tongue (3:55) section brings back memories! Shhhooooo shhmoooooooth! Love the music too. Nice one for uploading
  3. YES. Such an effortless style, went really well with the music. What was the music?
  4. Also, it's depressing that Ashton is only 22 in this!
  5. AWESOME. Been thinking about buying this on DVD. Just love the bits with Ashton & Hawyes - you can just tell that the riding vibe is all about them pissing about trying new stuff. Such a feel good vid! I wanna go and ride now!
  6. Just a quick one - but seeing as I've not posed a vid in about 5 years I got a little over excited. Bunnyhop to flatbank - I'm not sure on height, felt fairly big!
  7. I'm assuming this guy probably just broke his chain but wanted to carry on riding - but seeing how brakeless bmx transitioned to trials wonder if anyone is brave enough to try chainless trials... hmm not sure how that would work... Rob
  8. Coming up 27, been riding trials for 12 years (not that it makes me particularly good!) Shropshire based.
  9. Where abouts in the West Mids are you? I'm near Shrewsbury and also a bit of an oldie - need to get back into the swing of things! Drop me a PM. Rob
  10. ha ha! yeah seems to have been a bit of a common theme with my bikes!
  11. May as well join the party! Ok so this is the full history, rather than just old pics but thought it might be interesting to look at. Giant from around 1999 Which then got custom sprayed 'cause I loved Martin Hawyes' one Which then got changed for an Echo Urban (which is still my favourite bike to this date Then got more into natural so ditched in favor of this BT 4 (avec custom graphics no less) Then got bored of natural so went back to a streety frame with this Ashton Then changed my mind AGAIN and went back to long and low with this Czar Got a little lighter with this Echo SL Then Flipped back to street and got myself a 24 (not that I'm indecisive or anything) It's a testament to Chris King Hubs that I'm still running the same rear as I was on my Giant 10 years ago! Apologies for the picture heavy thread... just enjoying reminiscing! Rob
  12. My First trials vid shot in 1999-2000
  13. Ashton? In Chainspotting? ..."don't mind me..." Hawyes with a broom. Need to go watch that again...
  14. Bummer, would be well up for this but I'm at work. Don't spose you'd rather do Sunday instead?
  15. My first vid is so old its from the last century. Mix of trials / trails shot in 1999 / 2000 on a shitty old camera with a fisheye lens duck taped on. Those were the days. Rob
  16. I can do Shrewsbury or Telford most nights. More like 6:30 / 7:00 due to work though.
  17. I work here iDEA Hey dude, thanks for for taking a look. The site is being updated at the moment and this is something we are addressing. Its a bit of an odd one because most of the traffic that comes to the site comes from either repeat business, or other people who already know what we do. But yeah, its a good point. If you click on our logo within the 'work' or 'people' section it gives an overview of what we do. Needs to be made more prominent I think though. Just to clarify, I work as a Graphic Designer there. Cheers Rob
  18. Respect to Damon, that last backwheel to the rail looked so effortless I had to watch it a few times.
  19. Richard, I stand corrected! Yeah new vid is going to be a bit different as I'm riding 24 these days... really enjoying the change though. I'll keep you posted. Rob
  20. uh oh. I would assume its cause he spends most of his time doing / gets paid for it etc - but yeah spose its quite hard to qualify what makes someone 'pro' or not. Didn't think he really sounded like a dick saying it though - tad harsh.
  21. Really cool dude! You come across very well on camera, love the way you talk about it in a way thats actually interesting to listen to. Looking forward to the next one! Secret quarry eh? I've ridden there... shhhh
  22. My favourite move by MILES was that 180 hop onto the post - very cool indeed. More of that please! The rest was massive, but impressive as it was - it was a little samey. Cool vid nonetheless. Good to see you are riding again! Rob
  23. Some disgustingly smooth riding going on here! Camerawork is fantastic! Stan - loving the colour coordination.
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