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rathergoodpie last won the day on August 16 2024

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About rathergoodpie

  • Birthday 08/13/1984

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  • Real Name
    Rob Clarke
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Inspired Fourplay
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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Trials King

Trials King (4/9)



  1. Cheers dude! Love to see your build 👍 On holiday at the moment and can’t remember off the top of my head but will check when back. I think it’s actually slightly slimmer than the original Yellow frames’ seatpost from memory. another pic for fun:
  2. Progressing - have updated a few things including beefier disc adaptors. It's not as heavy as it looks and rolls very nicely.
  3. Building one of the Hen's Teeth MK3 Trials Team Frames to some other bits and pieces.
  4. Hi, one of the old skool here. 👋 Anyone over on instagram or facebook may have already seen this but I’ve been building a tribute to Martyn’s 2002(ish) Cannondale using a Mk3 Justice. Here’s a little gallery of the build for those interested. You can check out more @projectcashton on instagram.
  5. As the title suggests, I've been slowly but surely building my old bike. Heres a little gallery of progress for those interested. First Image was from around 2002 - this was the inspiration for the rebuild. DDG was a donor for the wheels. Original frame was built, but then replaced when I decided the head-tube crack was going to be a problem. Ashton forks have now made their way onto another build (in progress)
  6. You absolute hero sir. I have been looking for this vid for AGES - all time favourite rider. Style for miles.
  7. I've always found the whole street / comp split a bit unusual - but maybe that's just me. I guess when we were in the late 90's it was just "small MTB" which was used for everything: street, rocks, dirt jumps - so there never really was any segregation - just "BIKE" It's always stuck with me that, albeit elite riders need the most specialised equipment, you can do most stuff to a decent level on most mid-2000 26" (Ali is a fine example of this) I do wonder how things would have been different had Danny posted that first video on a 26" - which I'm sure he was more than capable of doing. Maybe less folks would be flocking to buy a 24 because "that's what you need to do Danny moves on" and the scene might have actually gone in a slightly different direction. Who knows.
  8. Don’t forget the folks who are resurrecting / rebuilding classic street trials frames which ironically have a very similar geo (albeit with longer chainstays). Hell of a market for things like old pashely / giant / cannondale / pace / ashton builds. I’ll caveat that by saying a lot of these builds will never be ridden as hard as they once were!
  9. Was it the first Marc Vinco frame? Monsterboy or something?
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