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About GyTrials

  • Birthday 02/26/1983

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  • Real Name
    Steve R
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    09 pitbull 09urbans gu cranks trialtech bars and pedals King hubs

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  • Interests
    Trials, women and food
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Trials Master (5/9)



  1. GyTrials

    Vapers Thread

    There is two different types, the one he built there had the channels at the bottom, the newer one has the holes in the sides so needs to be wicked differently
  2. GyTrials

    Vapers Thread

    It's the coils that come with the subtank, not sure on the size I'm about to order some either 24/26 kanthal but unsure which to go for
  3. GyTrials

    Vapers Thread

    All plugged up fine wicked fine at first up to 18w then mother of all dry hits lol going to try and build the older deck up and see if that's any better
  4. GyTrials

    Vapers Thread

    Re wicked look any better?
  5. GyTrials

    Vapers Thread

    Which way round do you have your coil? Above post or below. I removed some cotton and have tried to do it as straight as possible but still can't go above 18w with 50/50 liquid going to try and clean up the coil as suggested and use new cotton
  6. GyTrials

    Vapers Thread

    This has the new rba doesn't have the channels it has the holes in the side similar to the stock coils. When I built it I dry fired and used tweezers on the coil until it was hearing evenly, maybe I have compressed the coil too much? I will re wick again tonight and rotate the spring so it doesn't sit above the posts
  7. GyTrials

    Vapers Thread

    Seems to carry on powering for a split second after I let go of the button also (istick 50w)
  8. GyTrials

    Vapers Thread

    I have had a go at building my subtank rba deck today, coil is the one that comes supplied and reads at 0.5 ohm. However I can't seem to use it at more than 18w vapour is really hot and I'm getting dry hits from anything above 4 second draw, anyone know why this is happening? With the 0.5ohm occ coils I can use it at 25w easily without it getting warm in the slightest. any help would be appreciated
  9. Still lives in cleethorpes but certainly isn't 12 anymore
  10. Billy started riding again has lost all his log in details, he's posted this on the newbie section thought I would put it in here If any admin on here could you send him a message about his old account
  11. There is a few of us that are from grimsby mate
  12. One of the best videos I've seen in a long time
  13. No one I know has heard anything about it being stolen, hull, gy, Louth etc Seems to be too good a price to turn down
  14. Just hard trying to find one lol, I have an old xlite rim that looks similar to that
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