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About JohnBanks

  • Birthday 08/11/1993

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  • County (UK Only)
  • Real Name
    John Banks-Popple
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Bionic B3 - Silver Echo lite forks - Silver Profile hub - Silver on Ronnie rim Viz! complete front wheel - Silver Tensile Urban legend cranks - Silver Ko-bikes BB - silver Echo team stem- black CZAR bars 30"- silver Onza mongoIII headset- silver KMC Chane Maxxis CC tyres Front and rear Maggys 20th limited edition colours

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Trials, Photography, Women, Bit of BMX, Video Edititing
  • Location
    st neots

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Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. JohnBanks


    Need some advise wether this video is looking ok?( its not finished yet, hence the music still goes on) Its for my media project and was wondering if you think it is a decent video so far as i realy want to get this right. so if you have any coments good or bad i would realy realy like to hear them. Thanks John
  2. hey dude! how much for just front magura ?

  3. I finish my exams in three weeks time so i will have all the time in the world well 12 weeks, so just post up and if i can get down there im up for it:P
  4. Im still up for it. Is everyone else? John...
  5. Yea i am like every weekend, you no just ticking over untill it gets to summer and stuff so i can ride much more. So you want to do something in the week then?
  6. Count me In Karl and Matt I would be up for riding in the week in pebo if your up for a play arround. Im on holiday see Cheers John
  7. Where do you get all the materials, me and a cupple of friends are building something similar but are strugaling to fine the materials. Good pictures BTW John.
  8. Bad news. Had a load of bike trouble on one of our bikes so us four from St neots cannot make it now. Will be havin another ride asap though so keep your eyes open for the topic. Sorry again. Cheers john.
  9. Cool man just give us an update some time tomorro or on saterday
  10. Hey, Just wondering if anybody would be up for a ride in Milton Keyns this sunday. Me and a cupple of mates are coming up round 12:00pm Post if your up for it Cheers John
  11. If you can stay for the weekend me, mitch and andy will come down...
  12. Mitch Yea it has been a while lol, sounds like a good idea to get your old battle axe out of the garage. And seeing as you have a car now and andy does we could organise a ride for Mk, or cambs. Pm me your number or over msn or sommat and i will give you a ring
  13. Did anyone else see the face at about 29 seconds. Or am i going mad Strange
  14. Beast, realy like the airbrushing on the downtube. Should get a ride going again
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