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Everything posted by Orgun_Donor

  1. again another lovely vid mate, although have to say not you best... needs more phase group vids(manning mike and you?). Will have to catch up soon mate been far to long!
  2. Im currently sporting a scaffold, lip ring and tongue bar. An eye brow piercing but is central on the brow. Also a nipple piercing.
  3. Has anyone been playing the new Red Faction? Got it a few days ago but not had a massive chance to play it. Ohh and the multi player could be my new fave MP game.
  4. im quite up for somewhere other then plymouth... or at least not copthorn for 5 hours this weekend!
  5. That looks lush. im just finishing off building mine(brakes need to be put on). Absolutely loved mine when i had one when they first came out, building this up is making me giddy. Lovely bike, and with the new bar and stem should be sweet!
  6. Yea really like that vid guys. shame there wasnt more from bone hill, and shame i could stay out longer, but i swear my knee was about to drop off.
  7. Dead space is f**king excellent. Make sure you playing it in the dark and late at night!
  8. Deffo a Beater... deffo AWESOME! sweet riding though dude. hope your out tomorrow... Aint seen you in ages.
  9. Woop Woop. Yea looking forward to this. think Andrei will be there as well(but heading up earlier then us). More the merrier id say.
  10. Yea ill be out on Saturday, cant make today soz.
  11. Orgun_Donor


    This is the tripod i have.
  12. To be fair, looks like everything on the air srun is a lot more effort. can see it most on the pedal up. The standard bike hits the corner and rols up fairly smooth, where as the sprung bike hits the wall about 2 - 3" lower.
  13. Dude, that is freaking awesome. Cant believe how damn good your getting!
  14. i think if you wanna get a big ride... september is going to be better(bearing in mind the 24 tour late august)....
  15. Yea but getting 7 days off work with this short notice over summer aint going to happen for me unfortunately.
  16. I am also the same =. Left foot forward, and hop left... but it is "wrong". I know i have clipped feet/pedals. Also im unable to hop up to pedal at all. Being able to hope both ways is a fantastic thing in comps, but on street going to your back foot, you will be able to tuck easier and as such should be able to get higher. i know im trying to learn how to go the right way now, but it does feel different.
  17. depending on dates and if i can get a few people on this i may make the trip from the other end of the UK... need some dates though so i can organize stuff.
  18. 1.Sprog 2.Alex Dark 3.Jake Norman 4.Kieran Whitefield 5.Adam Griffiths 6. Darren McAllister - Orgun Donor
  19. Cool looks good Dan. Was such a fantastic day! p.s - Mod is starting to get better every moment
  20. Deffinately get an ENO, havent ever had a major or dangerous issue with mine, and even then if i have had a problem its easy to fix, or even bodge till you can fix it. Ohhh and even now its running smooth as butter. Had first skip in about 5 months, but it mde no difference to me as the pick up is so good on it.
  21. why.... just why would you do it to yourself? Watching it is bad enough, but you have to be a certain kind of special to partake the torture!
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