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Everything posted by Orgun_Donor

  1. Stop being an idiot and get one ben! You've felt how good my brake is on a stock. And as ive told you many a time get the SD7 Lever.
  2. If its a T-Master hub call super cycles they should have some steel ones, or ring tarty, they may have one or 2.
  3. Yea can get everything from tarty. The tmaster hub is available in 36 hole.
  4. I ran a T-Master hub(well still am running it) with 16t surley cog and an ENO on the front. Any chain will be fine, im currently running a KMC 710. You will find if you run a FFW then those cranks wont last long at all. IF you want to speak more, add me on msn and ill let you know all the troubles i had with me 24Seven full build.
  5. Awwww, i wish i still had school holidays. Id love to go 6 weeks without work/worries!
  6. Rowan, you sir are the man. The nice man at the as well!!! HAHA. Awesome video, and great bails.i love it. As already stated, best video ive seen in a long long time.
  7. Orgun_Donor


    hahaha beautiful Max!!! why couldnt you have done something like that in bristol?
  8. Hard-Fi Suburban Knights is the tune
  9. Am i the only one that laughed? I spose im a bit sick really..... Get well soon though bud!
  10. Hey dude, yea it was, had the Adamant A1 Long you rode. Yea dude, by all means more then welcome to come and ride!

  11. Fookin ell! Nice one mate, as said seems a little uncontrolled, but then that comes with more practice. keep it up and you'll be some of that "shizz whack"
  12. First time I changed my CNCs they were a bitch to get on and off, try semi setting up the pads and pulling your break, should pop in together
  13. Im uploading the full version to TV.... when it stops being shit! will update with a link for you when its done.
  14. Indeed it is a shame, he was being a tad monstorous on sat, but sunday was fairly dead, which is when alot of filming was done.
  15. Ahhh yea you probably did cause that is me. @Boon - to right my arse still hurts but no bruise but got a nice swollen ankle.
  16. Thanks for the comment. Check out my TV account - http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/OrgunDonor - has most of the videos ive done, and more are in the works.
  17. Well here is my offering of bristol clips, not so many from the Sat, but alot from Sunday and Monday. Unfortunately my camera played up and i missed my bail gapping to the far rail at the end of the video. Neway its a little shabby but more then watchable, hope you enjoy and comments appreciated. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  18. Orgun_Donor

    Bristol Clips

    Max your a bit silly really! Really enjoyed riding with you, and next time i may actually do that harbour rail gap from the top.
  19. Bill thats how the sky was, was just a white blanket all day
  20. Well i must say that was an Awesome weekend! Big thanks to Luck and Matt for putting up with me for ages, and will no doubt be back soon. Good to meet so many new people, and see so many people on sat. Sunday was a killer though was soooo sore. And thanks to rowan for almost killing me on monday... hahaha.
  21. Lovely pics Joe. You get any others of me? Any from my gap to wedge?
  22. LoL oi cheeky!! Need more then 3 clips to make a video Some nice clips there, look so well suited to that Monty and your Echo, look almost the same on them. Just better moves on the Echo.
  23. spotted like an alien shadow almost possibly like kinda thing...... but its just crazy shadows. Thus i concluded your mums just weird!
  24. Maxis minion front and back. Dual Ply and slow rezzay on the rear in 2.5, single ply super tacky on the front in 2.35 or smaller if you want.
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