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Trials Newbie

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  1. Fair enough. I can see Onza is liked in your country. You see, we currently import high end Mountain bike brand such as Nicolai and NPJ and recently Deity, all of which cost a good buck but are insanly good quality; Not only that, but we only sell frame only, and seperate parts, we're not too keen on full bikes as we wish the customer to have the bike setup how THEY want it. But since everyone claims Onza are cheap, it may not be a bad idea just to sell them as completes for those on a budget and look at another company like Echo for example for the guys heavily into trials and willing to bust out the money bags. We just aim to offer a service for any type of rider at maximum quality.
  2. Yeah, there is 1 importer, but they're pritty much a bunch of dim-witted rednecks, so they don't fuss me too much. As for the Onza, they look simple and all, but too me the Echo and Zoo frames stand out heaps more; If i knew some rough prices on the Onza bikes i may be a bit more keen.
  3. Yeah, Well i have been eying off Zoo/Echo, they look pritty darn good too me. Onza doesn't appeal to me too much however. Chris King would be a company we would like to import, However there is already an importer for them, and it'd be a bit of a fight to get CK to agree. Cheers for the input so far guys, keep it comin'!
  4. Hey guys, Just signed up, seems like a good thing you've got going here; Anyway, I'm a Mountain Biker/Street Rider/Trials rider from the land down under (Australia) and my mate owns an Importing company, I'm the henchman for this and try to recruit possable companies for us to distribute; Now as a company we think about all of the people we've got involved in riding, which has led me to find out from you (the trials geeks ) what you guys think is hot these days. I've been looking at KOXX bikes but it happens our rival importing company are distributing them; Please put any input into this, i'm just looking for Frames/Bikes/Parts and also any other Bling bits you can think of! ie. Titanium bolts. Any input would be great guys, Hope you can help me out.
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