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Everything posted by baladi

  1. baladi

    Velo Folies

    Where was hermance when they explained the courses?
  2. hey, i saw Pablo back in november when i was in Barcelona. too bad he knew no english to tell me where i could find some urban riding spots... here are some pics:
  3. Here it is: http://observedtrials.net/vb/showthread.php?t=33833 and the video link: http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/misterlimelight 1. kortrijk eins svcd.mpg 258.43 MB 2. kortrijk zwei svcd.mpg 252.18 MB 3. kortrijk drei svcd.mpg 213.73 MB 4. kortrijk vier svcd.mpg 178.67 MB Thank You Very Much For The Footage cheers
  4. Here we go what? old videos? after i saw the topic title i was expecting to see some recent footage of him in contests, and after reading the koxx part, some vids riding koxx. so, REPOST? YES (dont get me wrong, i love his riding. watched the vids over and over..) tra is wright. and let me tell you why you cannot compare everything with wheel size. it's because the wheels in that video are not round anymore (they are oval facing upwards) and your brain is used to precept the image of a bike wheel as a perfect round things. so it's confuzing and it seems way bigger. hope you get my point
  5. not intirely. he just got some discount from KOXX and some local sponsorship money. nothing bike related... (from what i know) the frame has horizontal drop-outs. i bet when setupd it'll come together
  6. here ... http://www.observedtrials.net/vb/showthread.php?t=33618
  7. http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/roly_thenextgen downloading now...
  8. baladi

    New Tra Hd Video

    and a version compressed to please us? kiddin. what i was sugesting is an even better quality version of the video, hosted somewhere else(for eg: tv.isg), that doesent concern KOXX.
  9. way to many colours for my taste... but i do like the Limey2. Perhaps repaint it? white!
  10. baladi

    Redline V-l

    very powerfull, your style lookd abit raw to me..(probably bec of the power) btw, that snow doesent look to be sleepery... how cold is it there?
  11. baladi

    Csubi Ride

    m8 told me what camera he used: ...
  12. do you get this with new brake pads? i dont think so from what i've seen on the HS33. my opinion is that only happens with worn down pads. so?
  13. really enjoyed this video. lookd like alot of fun.
  14. best colour scheme ever. nicest mod. ride happly.
  15. here it is . http://observedtrials.net/vb/showthread.php?t=32647 the peak point of the amuzing part is this one Quote:Originally Posted by eastside Nice riding! Hungary is the one city I rode in and never got any weird looks or crap from the police. Hungary is not a city...
  16. baladi

    My Editing Skills

    1. RJD2-Since We Last Spoke 2. Rooney-when did your heart go missing thanks for the comment.
  17. baladi

    My Editing Skills

    i was having serious stability problems when i didnt had a fresh copy of windows installed.
  18. just found this on tvisg. really nice demo. http://tv.isg.si/site/bike_events_bike_trial_tv_show how come they dont have their atomz stikers on? they had to take em off? those are painted on.
  19. hello, a few days ago me and a mate(our local comp's best rider) went in a nearby town for a ride and i took some footage. i used for filming my GF's sony H5 (i know) and spent a few hours in Windows movie maker(i know again. neither premiere cs3 or vegas 8 wouldt import my .mpg),the weather was cloudy and 0 degrees Celcius. i thought you would take a look and tell me what you think. the vid is 5 mins long and it's here: http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/Baladi?s...r=Last+modified oradea_ride_n.wmv 119.54 MB this is the link for the photos i took: http://forum.biketrials.ro/viewtopic.php?t=1030 coments welcomed, Adrian
  20. get some better quality overall pics, cuz this is the nicest bike ever
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