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Everything posted by baladi

  1. lol no. it's a cracked Magellan Tucana 4B 2005... waiting to be put to sleep.
  2. i have my HS33 bought brand new in 2001 and they weren’t bled 'till now, no leaks, the pistons in the back are perfectly dry, not even lubr ified. I vote Maggy F T W Yes, as i leaned in college: water is "incompressible"(as in: you dont care about compression, only in big industrial devices)
  3. will do!, but a heterosexual kiss . LOL
  4. i dont think that what you say applyes, the main reasons for using oil is first: proper lubricating the rubber seals, and second: buy their mineral oil
  5. Glad to see my mate Bogdan goin big in such a nice riding spot. We should get him abroad more often to show his skills. Btw, Bogdan didn't knew about the pics until he saw himself on the forum
  6. Here it is.... Am i the only one who thinks this would work better mounted upside-down?
  7. http://www.observedtrials.net/vb/showthread.php?t=33962
  8. Me, freeriding at a trialjam here in romania, 2007. it was my second faceplant ever. wasn't worrying. pushed the bike down...
  9. you're replying your own topic, and stop being so cocky about posting non trials bike pics on a trials forum, ok? Cheers
  10. At least for now Silverlight is free, and as long as it delivers better quality, Bring it on! i'm happy to buy more ram
  11. From what i've seen, Microsoft has introduced an alternative for Adobe Flash Player, with an improved video quality and all sort of animations.... "Microsoft® Silverlight™ is a cross-browser, cross-platform plug-in for delivering the next generation of media experiences and rich interactive applications for the Web."
  12. i vote this for worst quality pictures
  13. baladi

    Szeged Video

    really nice and happy video. i guess you guys in Hungary have the highest ratio: full koxx bikes/rider
  14. Strange policy for Wenson there... Why does Lesko bother if they give so little? His riding skills overtake Hegedus and V2 guy
  15. Ask KMT on OTN? might work
  16. This looks so oldschool after getting used to see those guys on the new V2 and Hydroxx frames ) btw, Leszko wasn't riding Wenson at the time?
  17. baladi

    Cnc Or Not?

    lmao .... good one. Anodizing(as a paint job) means a very thin layer of colour in the µm range. The Vracing has ordinary "fat" paint on. you can see it scrached in the first pic by the brake cable. The only frame from koxx to be anodised is the V2. They say so, when for Vracing they didnt... (Cadre: Giacomo Coustellier V2 Anodisé Gold ) and you can see that the v2 is anodised in the BB shell, the thread and all the interior is painted, because it was done in a tank of chemical solution + electricity. i hope i helpd.
  18. baladi

    Cnc Or Not?

    i'll have to disagree with you. It's the same painjob over the machined "XTP..." text and there you can see the sharp edges.
  19. baladi

    Cnc Or Not?

    I am a student in machining and this doesent look like CNC to me and i've seen a few... In the first picture there's a flaw, that if cnc machined wouldn't be accepted. In the second pic can see the molding leftovers on the oposite side of the toptube-downtube... plus that there are no sharp edges anywhere on this part(that's typical on CNC'ed parts) On the other hand it is visible on the CZAR 1's parts. So, can anyone prove it? like pics from unfinished Vracing frame? or tell me the steps of the building process? Thanks
  20. You must really love your bike, and green enjoy your riding!
  21. this is what you need on your computer. and the vids work even on WM
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