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Everything posted by baladi

  1. i love the black-silver colour scheme!. the silver rims and the middleburns suit so well that black frame and fork!
  2. i never miss the opportunuty of seeing trials in HDV. Good job! in the full version, When In Rome - The Promise, Grahams video Vote For Graham....
  3. i am pretty sure that's an Echo Urban 2007 fork.... anyway, nice looking bike. have fun riding
  4. Hello. A new video of Bogdan Campean(romania's national champion), Trialprod's rider, is hosted on www.trialprod.com for you to see. good quality downloadable video. impressive riding imho. please no lazy links enjoy
  5. wasnt planing on making a real vid. just found someone that day to take some clips.... and i didnt let them go to waste:P btw, i still have some clips shot in the cemetery that i am affraid to publish
  6. Hello, i just edited a short vid of me, out of a few clips. hope you watch Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  8. "This is my new custom frame,made by Pinigin:1095,380,+50,72"..weight:1800 gramme.." right before the pics
  9. who said those are the best? they're not. i am!
  10. nice "Arkwright" locations
  11. Sountrack? please! ...still wating for the full downloadable video. looks nice anyway! riding is awesome
  12. nice stylish touch with the cap at the belt on your trousers
  13. baladi

    Damon Video 6

    You should be the rightfull owner of that "S" T-shirt, not Clark Kent. amazing riding dude Cheers
  14. wich post title is wrong? is it Arkwright, or Arkright?
  15. baladi

    Matt Arkwright

    i was really waiting for another Arkwright video. really nice. great riding. i would like to see your video edited by you... the last one that started with the grass and hook-up was very nice done. cheers
  16. Short one: 1:17 9.6MB The Video
  17. Hi there, can someone tell me if i can use sealed bearings from an TryAll BB ISIS on this model of Echo BB? this is the echo... http://shop.biketrials.ro/_out_pics.php?id...&pics=pics1 Are the axes the same diameter? thanks
  18. QUOTE TRA: "deng? , i'm not going back to that immature guy who builds tanks" (or smth)
  19. TRA, is that a Deng made brake lever? for the hs33...
  20. same comp, new video, Bogdan riding. Enjoy: http://www.dailymotion.com/bogdan_vtt/video/x2750d_szeged-07
  21. the best rider is the coust guy with fluo rim...so pro... Erdélyi Ádám the other two best are the muscular topless guy on the white stock(maybe a kot)---> Stefán László the crazy guy who does the massive hook on the three stump and fall hard----> Bogdan Campean
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