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Mister Marcus

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Everything posted by Mister Marcus

  1. 15ft??? i thought it was 16 by one of the guys off the saracen team!! also Craig Lee-Scotts drop off the bridge on one of the vids on his site look bigger than 15 foot!!
  2. ryan leeches missus rides doesnt she? well there is a woman riding trials on ryan leeches ''manifesto'' anyway!
  3. is this you?? or are you just putting it on here so that you have posted a thread????
  4. I started on 20" and fount it amazing then i went up to 26" after a year for about 6 months but with all the problems i had with the bike (saracen 2.6 - not good in my eyes now to be honest) i went back down to 20" and ever since then i have progressed alot! 20" are a helll of a lot easier to throw about etc, but with your height it probibly would be best to go with a 26" as riding a 20" may feel a wee bit uncumfortable but i dont know, its your choice really! the best thing to do would probibly be have ablast on them both and see what you think is best
  5. both are from the same company arnt they! A.K.A onza, but the zona's are 24" or havei got the wrong bike in my mind???
  6. Mission Prodigy! forks cracked twice and then the frame cracked on the welding, so my dad got it welded for the price of a crate of stella then sold it for £200
  7. I had that problem for a while, all I did was ride by myself for a while and in time more people got into trials and i gradualy got moremates who did trials, also if you look out for groups/clubs etc on the net or where-ever try and join them! things will pop up soon mate anyway i find i get quiet alot done whilst riding by my self, but if i dont have my mp3 i get bored rather quickly so one of them handy is always good
  8. LUSH!!! that should stop you hitting year legs haha! now you can practise your bunny hops too, get them dialed . not a bad price for them either! its realy nice too! Marcus
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