Its only a simple PTM switch :unsure:
Anyway if you get nothing at all then its a hardware problem not software. Try taking the side off and giving any cards a wiggle and make sure all the cables are in snugly (Y) Do you get any beeps?
Nite site plain and simple but i was looking at the html on the riders page and :eek:
You could do the same in 1/5th of the code. A few css items would save you having to repeat table dimentions over and over. You could even loose the tables all together.
But assides that (Y)
If its a hope then ive used GT85 and Disk Brake cleaner to clean out mine before. Just try not to flush all the grease out the bearing at the same time :turned: I use a drop of light engine oil in my hub. Doesnt really matter if you put too much in as it just ends up splatted all over the drive side flange :)
Neither of the sites would be particulary hard to produce once you got the hang of php. Its just all selecting items from a db :turned: I did pretty much the same in perl as a project for uni only took a few hours :-
Hi as phill said Me, Tomm, and Mink goto uni here in manchester so are about for a ride and many more often come for a visit :angry: As for this weekend im busy too im affraid :blink: But sometime after easter im up for a ride :angry:
The marks in the section where the pawls slot into are where the axle flex's and hits the ratchet. If any of those marks have sharp edges just file them smooth :blink:
Every isp has their own DNS servers and yours havent updated yet but will do soon give it time :angry: I get both to digicroc :angry: Oh and can you make the entry image clickable :angry: instead of waiting to redirect :angry: