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Ali C

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Ali C last won the day on September 5

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About Ali C

  • Birthday 02/18/1984

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    Alastair Clarkson
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  1. Not worth it in my opinion, the internal bore size on the fittings is quite small which takes more effort to push fluid through, your brakes will feel like they’re bled with syrup if you use magura fluid and even if you use water it’ll never feel as good as standard hose
  2. I think people are just angry, the working class especially so. It’s been years of budgets getting tighter, money going less distance and there’s generally a bleak mindset for the future. That combined with rich politicians seemingly mocking them has turned the anger up higher…it’s been a pressure cooker and didn’t need much to make it explode. The recent knife attacks (not just the girls), Manchester airport fight and the seemingly unfair use of benefits on immigrants was just the straw that broke the camels back. Sadly rioting is the only way they think they can be heard, even sadder is the racists taking advantage to steer the mobs towards mosques and Asian businesses. I don’t feel the majority of the rioters are really “far right” as the media say (though I’m sure some of them are), I think these are just your average working class folk who feel like they’re being ignored and forgotten about. Im concerned about the ripple effect of this, making racial tensions higher, giving the government more power to make strict laws etc but I’m also concerned by how the media are using specific wording with these events…I’m genuinely thinking that there is an overall plan to divide the country and make a “us vs then” narrative. It feels like we’re in a civil war but we just don’t know it yet.
  3. Ali C

    Ali C Vlog

    I’ll wear a head cam next time so he can’t stand and block the view 😂 Don’t be sorry, it was completely my choice…they wanted to continue
  4. I’ve been frustrated by some of the responses from the left turning this about them and playing the victims. feel how you want about Trump but I dunno…not everything needs to be about you. It’s quite alright to just say this was a nasty thing to happen and not lean your agendas into it.
  5. Kennedy seems half decent too. I’m pleased that the world is finally accepting that Biden really isn’t healthy enough to be President, he’s been showing senile tendencies for years yet the media and his followers never seemed to want to talk about it. Not a huge trump fan but I do think he’s the better out of those two…Southpark nailed it years and years ago with their giant douche and turd sandwich episode
  6. I would’ve gone for the Hopes if my intentions were to sell them then buy something good instead 😂
  7. Out of those it would be the Lewis for me if I’m purely looking for a brake that works well
  8. im not convinced, personally I always tie my shoes as tight as I can because I can’t stand any movement of my feet inside my shoe/on my pedal. I feel a floating pedal might feel similar to a less-tight shoe and take away some of the feel and feedback
  9. I’ve dabbled with brakeless nose manuals but never got them dialled. My front wheel action is purely a stoppie
  10. I’ve recently been doing some more diy adaptors, these were made with a drill, hacksaw and file and I like the idea of the adaptor extending down the inside of the mounts…this way it’s slightly braced against the frame taking a tiny bit of pressure off the bolts (in theory at least) but it also adds a lot of strength and stiffness in a high stress area (I hope). gonna speak with someone about bringing these to market IMG_8673.mov IMG_8623.dng IMG_8624.dng
  11. Can’t comment directly about your case but I also had a wheel with a similar issue recently. I was fixing a wheel with a snapped hub flange, got a new hub and spokes and had planned on reusing the alloy nipples…weirdly they would thread in by hand the first few turns but just bind up after that…I tried forcing one but it actually snapped the spoke! I wasn’t aware spoke threads came in different pitches but that’s the only explanation I can think of. So yeah, best avoid forcing things, using the sapim nipples would be best but I can’t advise it that work with your rim or not (if it was my wheel I’d try it but its a tricky one when it’s someone else’s).
  12. any suggestion on rear hubs for street trials, I was do disappointed about my hope pro4 which I bought last year. Clicking "BUY" with eyes closed due to it's price and hoping for better after sales service including solid build. 
    I am in Asia, which means claiming for warranty from hope is somewhat hopeless.

    I saw in online shops some single speed hubs with no reviews yet:
    Rujixu Single speed 120/180/360
    Extention RAID
    A11Ride (Maestro) SIngle speed hub

    I am very skeptical now, that I lost my trust on big name brands.

  13. My turbolito tube lasted 20 mins the valve randomly snapped…maybe there was some twisting forces going on or something…if they do a metal one then that’s what I’d go for
  14. Ali C


    I spent ages looking at different vans even doing polls on social media…I was expecting one model to come out on top but surprisingly there was equal amount of love and horror stories for the Transporter, Custom and Trafic. In the end I went for a Trafic as they’re galvanized so should resist rusting, have dependable engines and a decent loading area. I don’t think they’re the best looking but they are a lot cheaper than VWs. I’ve literally just had mine converted by The Ply Guys (I’m still sat in their office) and couldn’t be happier with the results. IMG_7738.dng IMG_7739.dng
  15. I think we’re quite far apart in what our expectations and execution are for this concept
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