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About Todge

  • Birthday 12/06/1985

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  • Real Name
    Arron Rogers
  • Bike Ridden
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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Todge's Achievements

Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. Just been looking at this championship and I may start coming along. Only moved down to the Petersfield area last month so I've yet to discover any riding locations or other riders. Is the comp natural or man-made sections?
  2. Hello, Yes, I have sent them but I've had stuff get held up in customs recently when sending to the US, so this may be the same. I have a tracking number for them so will check up on them for you.
  3. Nice one Joe. That was the best and most stylish riding I've seen you do and its also a great vid!
  4. Hello, Just a quick note to let you know there's a sale on at the moment, with all Fresh Products brake levers reduced by 20% and are now available for less than £25! Please checkout the FP Store page on our Facebook Page for more information and to order via paypal. For further information, email freshproducts@moto-rdesign.com. These prices will only remain until the end of Janurary, so don't miss out!
  5. do you have any of the 04 lever blades left?

  6. Hello Ryan,

    Yes, I still have stock of all three versions available.


  7. got any levers still ?

  8. Theres still some available! Jason, just replied to you by email.
  9. The length of the '05 lever is the exact same length as the standard Magura lever.
  10. Yeh, it does seem that way! Probably just bad timing on Maguras part
  11. Hey, Just finished making some of these lever blades to fit the '05 Maguras. All the information has been added to the first post, with more pictures. Follow Fresh Products on Facebook Arron
  12. Todge


  13. They were £360, 3/4 years ago. No doubt the price of material has gone up since then. That was competitively priced against the Leesons, which were £400? and the Curtis frames which were over £500. I think if I were to manufacture some now I would TIG weld them, opposed to bronze welding and build a small batch at the same time around one standard geometry (I was offering custom geometry at the time). If theres interest I will build!
  14. Damn, that looks really nice with all the gold bits on! Glad to see its still going strong after 4+ years. Is that still the original powdercoat? Looks incredibly tidy still if it is. There were actually 3 24's built, not sure if they are still with there original owners now or got passed on, but I am considering making a few more possibly, just need to get another job out the way first.
  15. Just send me a pm or email if you want one. They are still available!
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