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About lewisrzoo

  • Birthday 07/07/1994

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  • MSN

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  • Real Name
    lewis ryan
  • Bike Ridden

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  • Location
    india mumbai

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Trials Monkey

Trials Monkey (2/9)



  1. Will there be enought force to hold the wheel with the bolts and a washer.
  2. I was looking at the cromo driver 9t on winstanleys will that just slide right on and will i be able to use the bolt with a washer. or will i have to convert it to nuts.
  3. Ok yeah there bolts straight in,
  4. Not to sure mate if its eny help its the exact one tartys sell going to build it up for my bmx thanks.
  5. Hey guys i have a 12t profile hub and going to be converting it to 9t how do i remove the driver from the axel had a look tonight but cant figure it out. Will it be easy to convert it to 9t will i be able to use the allen bolts or will they need converted also thanks for eny help.
  6. I'm not going to lie it's a bad place to go I lived there. For two years and had my bike with me and it was not brilliant good luck try not to get hurt you don't want to end up in hospital there. Not trying to put you of or anything though just so you know what to expect.
  7. I will be in montrose sunday.
  8. lewisrzoo


    Danny mac would do this for real haha.
  9. I ordered bars to be sent to india it got here in two days with ups great haha but that was a while back go tartys.
  10. Nice bike man in from montrose im home crimbo mabey meet up for a ride.
  11. Will tartys be selling the couple that come in Dec thanks.
  12. These two frames are what i am stuck with to i like them both but the maladie looks hard as nails and it is pritty light. Im riding a 07 python at the moment but like you im getting bored of it and want to to have a go at a super high bb bike and abit shorter than the zoo to. so i think im going to go for the maladie but onza is bringing the mk2 ice out just next week it has a disc tap and different drop outs they are still using the bolt idea though so i will wait and see that but othere than that it is still the same frame just some small changes.
  13. They are ok but want to know about the sl and holes because they look pimp so does anyone know give me some info thanks.
  14. Hey im converting my chris king to 32h for a better rim choice so what light but strong. Rims would you recommend I was looking at the try-all holes and the echo sl but also want a rim that can hold a grind thanks. Lewis
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