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About stoozie

  • Birthday 08/31/1991

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  • Real Name
    Stuart Thomas
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  • Country
    United Kingdom

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Trials King

Trials King (4/9)



  1. Picked this up in December as a replacement for my Audi A6. Feel a bit like an old man in it sometimes!
  2. I came off Facebook almost two years ago now due to the same reason as you. I never really used it anyway, other than to post exploring pictures up. I don’t miss it at all, after about a month of not using it I went back and changed from a deactivated account to a permanently deleted account. Some of my friends were a bit shocked when they asked why they couldn’t find me on Facebook, but I don’t regret it at all.
  3. There are a few good pubs around the outskirts. Jacobs’s Inn, The White Hart at Wytham, The Boot, just to name a few. It all depends on how many are coming as parking could be an issue for most of the decent pubs.
  4. 1. Tom Booth- '64 Fairlane 2. Rainbird - LCR of some sort 3. Daniel cox - turbo clio or none turbo clio 4. Robin - Probably the slowest e36. Maybe... but almost certainly not a 924. 5. Mike - Eunos Roadster (If it survives Bedford Autodrome, trip to Bruges and Rockingham weekender) 6. Pete - Crusty but freshly turbo'd Volvo, I hope. 7. Stuart - Audi A6 I’m local to Oxford so when there’s a rough idea of numbers I’ll put forward suggestions for places to meet.
  5. The season at our lake is coming to a close soon, I'll still be out there in October hopefully!
  6. Picked this up last night, super happy with it. It's nice to be back in a car after 7 years of driving pick up trucks!
  7. I'd love to have my old Maladie back, seriously regret selling this.
  8. Some recent photos I've taken:
  9. Have a look at the Vertical Studio app, it allows you to track objects so that you can focus on flying ant it will keep the camera pointing at an object of your choice.
  10. Some recent shots from me. Always shoot manual, the auto settings on the drone cameras are rubbish. Cycle your batteries properly for them too, there's lots of tips to read up online for that, I can't remember it all off the top of my head. Feel free to PM me if you ever need any help with anything! I usually shoot video with my drone, but I have taken a few photos and this is my favourite so far, even if it is a little over exposed!
  11. Some pictures I've taken recently.
  12. Thanks! Its the one in Southall, demolition is very soon!
  13. Thanks! Canon 5D MKII and a Canon 17-40mm L lens. Need to get myself a zoom lens for next time and get some different angles!
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