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About Peperami

  • Birthday 07/19/1984

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  • Quick Spec
    Simtra st1, echo urban forks, tryall stem, onza 30" carbon bars. Rs7 super pro's, Rohloff, trialtech sprocket, 16/14 gearing. Front: Hope mono trial, hope xc, revell rim, tryall 2.0 tyre. Rear: Maggy with cnc coust pads, hope pro 2, atomz rim, tryall 2.5 tyre.

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  • Interests
    Biketrials, bodybuilding, mma, motorsport, trackdays, track cars, eating...
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Trials King

Trials King (4/9)



  1. Awesome jack! Was good to see you last night mate. Just showed jess the vid, she says you're crazy
  2. Rather than trty bunnyhop, try and ride up a curb. Lift the front onto the curb, then pull up with your feet and lift the rear onto it. Now try it a bit faster. And a bit faster still... you'll end up hopping up it with both wheels without realising, and this will give you the correct body positioning too.
  3. For all of this curbs are your friend. Most of us learnt on nothing more than a curb mate. Endo drops, keep both brakes locked.
  4. If you really cant find a bench, can do your bench presses from the floor. Superset them with press-ups, and dumbell flyes (which can also be done from the floor if need be) as you're supersetting, you wont need to go super heavy on the bench, which is good as you dont have a rack for the weight. This will hurt.
  5. Lol, aye. Ginger girls = hot. Ginger schoolboys from harry potter = weird fetish shit
  6. If your missus wants to make love to you dressed as a ginger schoolboy somethings wrong...
  7. You running a dh tube and double walled 2.5" tyre? Raleigh xc tube and a tryall, landed some silly stuff with no air in and still holding up...
  8. Peperami


    They do curry flavour?! Heading out to find some, that sounds brilliant!
  9. Peperami


    Better than sweets
  10. After a week getting used to it i think you could learn either.
  11. Be a good idea to integrate some push-ups into it too fella, could do them before your pec-decs to give the chest more of a workout. Im the same with legs, my work can involve running/ being on your feet for long hours. Not something i can do after a leg workout where i can barely walk the day after! So back to running/ xc/ stair climbing for legs now, with the occasional weights workout thrown in.
  12. Tell them you left a letter in reception handing in your notice, and thought that they'd already cancelled it surely? Blame the receptionist and sound sweet and innocent. If this doesnt work they've got you by the balls, pay it even if it means going into your loan etc, as they'll give you a bad credit rating... which isnt good being a student.
  13. Id love the actual blazer badge and tie combo... (box quite faded from storage)
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