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A Few Clips Of Me :)


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yoo all, borrowed a camera off college for a few days and got a few clips of me riding 2 evening, sadly i only had a rear brake in these clips but hopefully once i get this lever built, ill release a decent vid! anyway here you go! i duno if you can see, but i've only got one hand and the other is straped to the handlebar!


then just right click>save target as> clips1.wmv

thanks luke

Edited by 1handedluke
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cool vid chap, some really good riding there, my only gripe is the fact your riding on gravestones n shiz, come on man, that just aint right!!


yeah dude fair point, i just spose when i 1st started riding all the riders did so i just followed suit. if it makes it any better its just old famous roman people :S naa ur right maybe i should think next time before i ride there!

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Vid was good But i have to agree with riding on the graves is alil harsh, You totaly amazed me when i saw you ride at clacton total respect for you considering you was ridin better than me aswell :P .

out of curiosity can you wheel swap, as i thought you had your lever body set-up to two levers 1 for front and 1 for rear which i would imagine makes wheelswaping very dificult.

Mint vid anyways, nice to here the sqeeky brakes instead of hard rock shite. IMO (Y)

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that was great - i dont understand it - how the f**k some of those gaps were pretty big :blink:

have you just not got a front brake ? i remember a while ago you trying to get a special lever going ... has that not happened ?

keep it going.. (Y)

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that was great - i dont understand it - how the f**k some of those gaps were pretty big :blink:

have you just not got a front brake ? i remember a while ago you trying to get a special lever going ... has that not happened ?

keep it going.. (Y)

yeah i got a quote back and it was going to be 300+ so that went down the drain. and then i had 2 levers 1 under eachother but for some moves like wheelswaps etc my 2 fingers which are still on the bar don't always hold, it does on a curb but anything higher like headset hight it starts to feel wierd and sometimes slips off :( and ill post a pic of my hands maybe and my bike setup trying to explain how it works better.

sweeeeeet mate! we should borrow that camera again sometime and get some more footage of you, and we'll have to get you tapping that loading bay! impressive shizzz lol

yeah dude, hehe get some move vid of you as well, ill bring it tomorrow if i can get it lol!

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