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Do You Believe These 3 Events Were A Conspiracy?  

92 members have voted

  1. 1. The Moon Landing

    • Yes
    • No
    • Undecided
  2. 2. JFK Assassination

    • Yes
    • No
    • Undecided
  3. 3. 911 Attacks On The World Trade Center And The Pentagon

    • Yes
    • No
    • Undecided

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I’ve been watching conspiracy videos recently (hurray for free time), and some have really change my opinion, here are the links. Defiantly worth a watch if you have the time.

The Moon Landing

JFK Assassination

911 Attacks On The World Trade Center And The Pentagon

I personally think the only one that wasn’t a conspiracy was the moon landing.

The vid about 911 really did change my mind, and the JFK vid is really interesting, but the moon landing vids points are a bit weak I feel.

So what do you think? :)

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It's nice to think that man did land on the moon, so I voted no.

I never really cared about the JFK assasination, but I never thought it a true conspiracy, because all that happened was he was shot, someone was framed, etc. Sounds like every other assasination to me.

Finally, I'm too bored of people who have watched 'loose change' telling me that it is all completely true and that is exactly what happened, with no thought into the implications of any of it, most of which, anybody outside the government wouldn't know. It raises some valid and interesting points, but in truth I think it's a little bit cheap. So no, I don't like to think it is, but perhaps I should have said don't know, because I don't think anyone really does.


the wind thing

Arrgh, worst arguement ever. Two main reasons.

1. The flag had a wire in the top to hold it up for the photo. That stops it sagging.

2. As the flag was put up the movement would have caused it to flap. As there is no real atmosphere, there is no wind or anything else to move it, but, it's not just going to stop moving because there is nothing touching it, it's going to remain flapping indefinately.

Thus the 'flapping flag' theory is wank.

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Finally, I'm too bored of people who have watched 'loose change' telling me that it is all completely true and that is exactly what happened, with no thought into the implications of any of it, most of which, anybody outside the government wouldn't know. It raises some valid and interesting points, but in truth I think it's a little bit cheap. So no, I don't like to think it is, but perhaps I should have said don't know, because I don't think anyone really does.

It is so convincing though. Especially seing the numerous flashes as the building collapses. :ermm:

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Never sure about the moon one. It's so far away and is a big thing to do. Who knows.

JFK, never really thought of it as a conspiricy. Although there was that stuff about his brother or something and a dead girl.

But if they've been covered up this long, i doubt they will ever let us know.

9/11, some things add up, some don't. Meh, still interesting.

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1. The flag had a wire in the top to hold it up for the photo. That stops it sagging.

2. As the flag was put up the movement would have caused it to flap. As there is no real atmosphere, there is no wind or anything else to move it, but, it's not just going to stop moving because there is nothing touching it, it's going to remain flapping indefinately.

Thats the most stupid thing ever, based on the second rule they wouldn't need a wire to hold it up surely, i mean once the astronaught puts the pole in the ground then arranges the flag to the right position then there'd be no wind to blow it around so it wouldn't move, unless you take into account the moons low gravity would eventually pull on the flag material and pull it down.

Flapping indefinately? Jesus christ, based on the fact theres no wind what would make it flap? It would move in one direction and there'd be no wind to move it back so it wouldn't flap, it would slowly wrap itself around the flagpole.

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Thats the most stupid thing ever, based on the second rule they wouldn't need a wire to hold it up surely, i mean once the astronaught puts the pole in the ground then arranges the flag to the right position then there'd be no wind to blow it around so it wouldn't move, unless you take into account the moons low gravity would eventually pull on the flag material and pull it down.

Flapping indefinately? Jesus christ, based on the fact theres no wind what would make it flap? It would move in one direction and there'd be no wind to move it back so it wouldn't flap, it would slowly wrap itself around the flagpole.

The moon does have a significant gravity. But no atmosphere. Something as light as flag material would, on earth, be greatly dampened by the atmophere, but on the moon, where a hammer drops the same speed as a feather, it will wave about for a long time, not indefinatly, but it will look like it's waving in the wind.

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The moon does have a significant gravity. But no atmosphere. Something as light as flag material would, on earth, be greatly dampened by the atmophere, but on the moon, where a hammer drops the same speed as a feather, it will wave about for a long time, not indefinatly, but it will look like it's waving in the wind.

Why would it wave? what would stop it moving in one direction and make it move in the other?

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The flag was waving because it was on TV.

I'm certain that no one can prove what was going on with the flag, so my answer is as good as anyone elses. :P

I voted Yes on the Moon landing, few things pointed out in the video made me think about it as a conspiracy.

Undecided on the others... :S

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9/11, without a doubt bollocks.

No way can a jumbo jet create such a small and precise hole in 3x 9ft thick steel re-inforced concrete.

Nor can a plane just vaporise into a tiny crater in the ground.

JFK, after watching the first 40 minutes of that video is also actually rather debatable. Sorry, but one bullet to do all that damage, bull shit. Got bored once it started talking about Nazi's and banks, kind of didn't get how it related to anything.

Moon landing's i've seen a program disproving every single conspiracy theory, so i do believe that happened.

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the whole moon landing thing looks fake as. all the dodgy photos etc but the main thing has to be the radiation! people get cancer from the sun's radiation ON EARTH! so how the hell would a pissy little suit help on the moon and when they went through that radiation band.

:angry: bloody americans

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It's a bit pointless of me to write here seeing as I haven't got the time to watch neither of those videos, but if the moon landing one refers to any official photos from NASA, these can be found on their website and are 100% real (png). Some of these photos when modified (by that I mean changing the level of gamma) really do show up strange shit.

More to come, got to dash.

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Regarding the moon landing, we may well have landed on the moon, but I'm fairly convinced that the photographs, if nothing else, were faked. It was as much a propoganda thing between the US and USSR anyway so the US had to be shown to win, even if they didn't make it they had pictures set in a studio as backup. Interested to hear what Inur has to say... just had a scan on NASA site and at least one picture you can pretty much see what looks like the edge of the set where the background screen begins. Also saw some stuff on this before where the same rocks turn up in locations which are supposed to be km's apart, and shadows and lighting which simply could not be.

Still not sure on 9/11. There were some seriously wierd goings on that are highlighted in loose change, although they do take it too far. It's one of those things that if the real truth came out there would be anarchy and I'm surprised if there is so much 'evidence' the worlds press haven't been digging to get to the bottom of it all.

Re JFK, as said before, I don't really care. Wouldn't surprise me if he was topped because of all the stuff that he got up to...


edit: not sure how well this will show up after resizing but here goes... spot the join.

IPB Image

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