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Trials Calenders For 2007

F-Stop Junkie

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Following on from discussions elsewhere, a thought has come forward to do a calender of trials photos to raise money for BiketrialUK and also look nice on people's walls...

Potentially we could do a bit of a selection. One images of 2006, one images from my collection going back to '99, and one of images from TF users.

So the big question is, would people buy a calender of trials photos? I'll check on prices once I get home, and profits from the calenders would go to BiketrialUK.

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Ok, I've had a look at a couple of places for prices, and it may not be all that cheap. The thing I'm most concerned about is quality. It'd be cool to have something where you could potentially cut out a picture or two and frame them or put them up somewhere.

We'll see. I'm still at the stage of getting prices, so I'll keep everyone posted!

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when i mentioned this a while ago it was "a stupid idea" but waynio was the only person to stick up for me.

No doubt you'll call me an arsehole again or something for pointing out the differance, he's going to use original images rather than random one's collected from other users.

You were only going to make them once you actually had the money if I remember correctly, i'd imagine these would be printed in a batch before any money had been taken.....

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Chris, if, you know, there was a certain someone, who say, happened to have come up with this idea originally and was the person who got in contact with you about doing said calendar and really was the person who got the ball rolling, if there was such a person, would said person perhaps get to be in the calendar and maybe have a free one.... :-

whoever that person maybe.....

Rich (Pearson, Karsonlevoret@hotmail.com, Leesonbikes rider, makes for really good photo's....)

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