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Fatmike's New Video. :)


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Hey guys, just finished making my new video. Spent far too long editing, i hope it pays off.

Song is: Kevin Ayres - Circular Letter


4:14 long.

Urrm, yeah, so just tell me what you think. Good + bad points will be appreciated, but general, all round bumingness would be nice. :">



Edit: Link sorted. ^_^

Edited by fatmike
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EDIT: Well done for sorting it out :- :P

Anyway, OW my eyes! I seriously dont recomend watching this if your under the influence of anything or just woken up...Lots of flashes and zoomy effects annoy me, sorry Mike, they just distract from the riding and you keep blinking! And oh my god, change the music! It just annoyed me!

Nice overall riding though :P You've gotten alot more bottle which is nice to see just need to work on some consistency of controlling the bigger stuff! Looking good though!

How's the ankle? Looked preety bad! Should've jumped onto the bench :D

James ^_^

Edited by zoojames
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Saw it last night, thought it was absolutely brilliant from start to finish. This is how videos should be made. Very entertaining, good angles and camera work, music actually works... somehow. A nice wide variety of locations.

The only bad bit is the filming from the bike show, but you're not going to get any better from somebody in the audience. I'd recommend everybody downloads this video.


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Well, that editing was simply awesome. I can definitely see a lot of effort has gone into the editing of that. That natural bit was really good too, where you zoomed between each bit.

Riding wasn't to shabby either.

Music, by some miracle of god, went really well, which was shocking. ^_^

I would be very proud of that my friend, very proud. It just all 'clicked' together amazingly well.


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I enjoyed that ^_^ The editing was good, lots of different angles made it interesting and the music sorta fits well with the video, even though i probably wouldn't listen to that song on its own :P Good riding, alot better than the last video.


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awesome video, riding was...MAD very impressed with the riding indeed and that wasnt even your best stuff (swindon tape) :P .

editing was very inspiring aswell, really makes me wanna get adobe and learn how to use it.

i just HATED that music, i dont think i could watch it again if the the video hadnt been edited to the music so well.

very VERY good vid overall, just the music :P

nice one mike, james ^_^

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Wasn't really feelin it , was definitely the music i think.. or maybe im just not liking street anymore i dunno. Just wasnt there for me. Sorry :P ^_^

Also hope the ankle is all alright now , f**king pain :P

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  Raub said:
Awesome video Mike, everyone's already given you the bumming you deserve so I won't let you OD on severe bummage :P

Aww, please do. :P

Nah, cheers everyone. I didn't think i'd get this kind of responce.

I think when you re-watch videos as many times as i have this one, they just become dull, so maybe i under-estimated it?

Anyway, thanks guys. ^_^


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  Steve-A said:
How you managed to get the video to work as well as it did to that song amazes me  :P

gotta agree with that. Great vid dude, you fall off lots, possibly more than me. Great to see a you pushing yourself and you get better everytime I see you.

Good work :P


Get your fatass up to leeds ^_^

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T'was a good vid, though at some points i couldn't tell if it was my computer jumping or the editing!

Some nice gap drops and streety type things.

Based on the Bikeshow, i was pretty impressed with your riding, but this vid made you seem 48494095 times better.

Good job.

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