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Heatsink V-brake Pads?


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I'm confused on wethere(sp?) the heatsink pads for v-brakes are out yet or are just being tested and used by the team :- ? Could any one *cough*Steve*cough asure me on wether they are avaliable to order yet :) .

Cheers in advance,


PS-I've already PM'd steve, just haven't had a replie yet :P .

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This is what he replied to me when i sent a PM (couple of weeks ago):

They will be £15 a pair which includes a pair of pads, and postage and packing. I have 25 pairs in this first production run.

+ They take Heatsink pads, the same ones that fit maggies and the forthcoming moulded pads.

+ They can be refilled again and again at only £6 a go (including postage and packaging)

+ More rigid geometry than conventional Vee backings

+ Aerospace Aluminium backing machined in the UK and the boss is steel with 12mm thread length for normal fitting nuts.

+ Lightweight and trick looking!

I have reserved a pair they are hopefully going to get to me some time next week (i assume). They come with the white material at the moment.



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Prawn had the first pair of production ones the other day, and oh my god on a polished rim on the front it was awsome, plenty of lock, yet modulation, but then he decided to grind the front rim, this turned the brake into a fully on or off type of power, which would have been awsome for a rear brake, they also make a VERY loud squeek. In my oppinion if u can get a set, and run a Vee they are deffinalty the pads to use :closedeyes:


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Hi all :closedeyes:

The Vees are indeed ready to order. I had 25 pairs machined at my favourite CNC machiners to my design (see photo), and I simply haven't had time to update the products page of my website to announce that they're on sale :"> Hopefully there's plenty of info about them in the news scroller on the front page of my site though whilst I sort it out!

I've had a good amount of orders, but there's a few days delay on send out because I'm making up the pads to fit by hand, and to maintain the quality level takes time.

So far Prawn and Jon (Quick_Spider) have the first complete sets (Jon has a set for front and rear), and I'm working on the pads for the other orders as quick as I can (Y)

^ Here are the remaining 22 backings (hopefully all there - I haven't counted them yet!) just waiting for me to make up the 05 Batch B pads to fit. As you can see, I've inserted a variety of Magura pads into some to show their huge plus point - how they are can take any of the well liked Magura pads out there!

I still have pads available to order - just drop me a PM/email if interested, and I'm working through these in the order I receive the payment via paypal/cheque (£15)



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as the first person to try these pads, i can safely say tehy are AWESOME!!!!!

i started off on a polished rim, and they really were seriously impressive, i loved them, but i wasnt prepared to have no front brake in the rain, so i foolishly gave my rim a VERY light grind.

the brake was quite frankly stupid.

if i so much as comtemplated looking at the lever, it locked up solid.

so that was a bit much IMO, so i took the grinder to it again, and used the flat of the disc to take the grind away, leaving a smooth but textured surface

now this is PERFECT!!!!!

it still makes its self known with a squark every so often, but im loving it.

the lock up is just incredible! modulation is spot on, and the braking feel is just perfect, so much more direct than any disc brake could ever be....


so far, im loving them

about 10 hours riding natural and street so far and no signs of pad wear at all, and without doubt the best v brake ive ever used....

top stuff :o

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Sorry for the thread-jack!

Steve - I'm gonna send the books back to you tomorrow (hopefully!), but today a rider came down with the new white 'sink pads. Basically, my rear pads have gone a bit funny, so I was gonna change 'em anyway. Said rider had a go with his pads on a new grind and they were amazingly, so I'm thinking of getting a pair. Basically, I've got 8 pairs of backings (15-16 pads in total, from what I can remember) I was going to send to reduce the cost of the new pads, but some of the pads might have a small amount of contamination in the pad material. They've been in a bag with other Magura bits and a couple might've come into contact with a little bit of Magura blood that came out of a not fully emptied brake. Does this affect whether you want them or not?

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Hey Mark!

Thought I'd reply directly here rather than PM so that I can just confirm that there's no problem with traded in pads being dirty or contaminated with any substances like magura oil.

As long as after I've cleaned them up they are in mechanically sound (the clip feature) and not looking knackered (ask yourself would you be pleased to receive these backings, cleaned up on the brakes you'd bought) then all is well :o Also, please don't try and remove the old pads yourselves (change in advice from on my webpage FAQ), because it's very easy to butcher the backings if you don't do it regularily as I do :D

Glad to hear that the Vees and compound are working so well Nick :- I'm really chuffed with these brakes and thinking of ditching my rear maggie as well as my front one. I've got a dead grind on the front and it locks on like a switch with the same feel as hydraulic disk brakes I've tried but for less than 1/5 of the price!

On Vees, I really love how it takes a few seconds to set the pad up perfectly straight to the rim, rather than 45 minutes for a magura, plus how I can actually quickly release it to get the wheel out when I'm transporting the bike rather than having to deflate the tyre with my maggie on.

I never thought the day would come where I'd be taking the maggies off my bike!


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Hey Steve,

I have low standards, so here's a pic for your perusal (higher res version if needed); again, not PM'd so other people can see what they're like in comparison to their's...


Not actually as dirty as they look, it's just the flash. Just a bit grubby, I think. So yeah, it might actually be just 10 backing 'cos I can't find the other pads I had... How much does that affect the price, and also does it affect the P&P? I know if you send 12 the new pads are effectively free, but does that cover the P&P?

Thanks for everything,


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Sorry to everyone for posting so much in this topic - I try to keep my posts about my pads in one thread in the News section normally :o

Mark - The pads look grand for trading in with the clips in top condition, they'll clean up nicely, and the old pad material will be removed so cleanly you'll never know they previously had other pads in :-

Postage and packing wise, it only costs me around 30p for the parcel (great quality but bought in bulk) and a 1st class stamp, and I made an early decision to absorb this cost myself rather than do what some places do on brake pads and cheekily make a couple of extra pounds on the postage/packing - I was fed up with being treated like this myself!

Ben - I am indeed running your old XT brake on the front, and despite all the pivots there isn't any noticeable wobble yet, just a lovely parallel action. coupled with an matching silver Avid SD5 lever - £10 from CRC and my white compound in some Plazmatic CRV backings (I'll be transferring the material to my own backings as soon as I've caught up with the pads for others!) I'm really chuffed with it!

On top of the advantages I posted earlier, I'm loving the reduced weight compared to my front magura and easy and quick response (I must admit that my old maggie was in need of a bleed), all without any compromise in brake performance!


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