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Tf Gripes Thread


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Hi All,

After my previous thread about stuff getting on my tits as the nights come sooner and I spend even more time than in the summer on here (:P) I figured that rather than annoy the shit out of everyone by being a hypocrite and commenting in every thread that annoys me, I'd just put a thread which will contain all my gripes, and people can add to it if they see fit.

You can add links to particular posts/threads if you feel particularly strongly about someone/something but I'm gonna keep it general for now.

I understand this is going to get closed, and I understand that people will call me a whinging little girl. I'm aware of both those things, so please don't feel like I'll be surprised when either happen, but please do be ready for my retorts.

Things That Mildy Perturb Me:

- Spelling, obviously

- Grammar, of course

- Reposts

- Duplicate threads asking the same f**king questions

and the one that lead me to start this thread, the straw that broke the proverbial camels back:

- People updating the first post of a build thread, then adding a reply saying 'updated'. JUST PUT THE UPDATE IN THE NEW POST, SO PEOPLE READING CAN KEEP A TRACK OF WHERE THEY LAST GOT TO. If I'm interested in your build, it doesn't mean I wanna scroll through pics and text I've already seen just to get to the most recent update.

I'm getting back in my box now.

EDIT: Shocking spelling and/or grammar, ironically.

Edited by JD™
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People who ask tartybikes questions on here instead of emailing them really pisses me off for some reason.

Bumping spam topics (unless to say they've been reported).

People trying to be random because it's cool.

People who say 'stop arguing and go out and ride' makes me want to knife my computer screen.

People who don't look at what country someone is from before they start bitching about their spelling and grammar.

Those errors that pop up at around 3-4 in the morning.

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People who say 'stop arguing and go out and ride' makes me want to knife my computer screen.


I think this thread is ace, please don't close!!!!

Trials Forum=Repetative pad question forum.

People should be sent back to premembers for starting a new 'TNN or rockman pad thread' without at least searching first.

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Not really a gripe etc, but I think your right about "for sale" topics without pictures. If I'm trying to sell something, before drafting a topic together, I clean it/make it saleable, then take shit loads of photos of everything. People who aren't mugs won't buy anything before seeing it. I sure as hell know I wouldn't.

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Kids with there

"well sick onza t-bird"

Or people just agreeing with wrong advice.

"Oiling your brakes makes them better."

" Totally true."

People giving advice along the lines of.

"My mate has this, its well sick."

Modifiedridah2k9, replying to everything!!!!!

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I just in general dislike dumb people.

I do however enjoy the feeling that some retard might read this and think 'awww, he means me. :('

The positive side of this is that smart people will not be offended because they are smart, and dumb people won't realise that I mean them, so no-one gets hurt.


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