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A Line In The Sand

Rich Pearson

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Right, I'm not gonna say this nicely as it shouldn't even have to be said.


These are the rules of trials-forum. I want EVERYONE to read them, as its been made pretty damn clear that most people don't seem to hold them in very high regard. I want people to take very clear notice of the last few bits regarding administrators decisions.

Recently people have been treating this place like shit (not just chit-chat, but the whole forum). I know a lot of people don't take TF seriously and think it's a bit of a giggle but the fact of the matter is that people (and YOU know who you are) are taking the piss now, you really are, and its getting on so many peoples nerves.

I am going to start enforcing much harsher ban's for people who are not toeing the line and abiding by these rules: we all once managed to get along perfectly well and act like civilised intelligent human beings, and I really don't see why we can't now. If you get suspended for something over the next couple of days, if a topic of yours gets closed, if any kind of action is taken against you by me or any of the other admin team don't even bother (as always, please note) trying to contest it.

This place is going to start playing nice again and you will abide by our rules.


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To be honest, more recently I've just started taking a step back, I'll type something up and then just not bother posting it, not because I'm being a fanny, or anything, but just because I can't be assed for people to take shit the wrong way. I know I had a massive dig at JT, and I got a warning which was fair enough, I expected it and I'm not gonna contest it, but looking through the videos forum, there are two topics right now that are full of arguments, they just need to be closed and then everyone can stop bitching.

Trials is a small enough sport as it is, last thing we want is bitching on a forum to push it apart, the comp scene is dying and the street scene is booming, but the tgs vs. lines argument is getting done to death now. We all ride the same sport, but different styles. Look at BMX, there's park, street, dirt, flatland, race, and everyone goes in their own separate groups, you might get the odd wanker giving it "racing is for pussies get a street bike" or whatever, but most of the time people just get on with things and stick to their own discipline. If TGS riders wanna inch pinch every gap and sidehop, good for them, it's always nice knowing that you're improving. If Danny Mac wants to do whips and 360s on an Inspired, so be it, it's just his style of riding. If I wanna drill out my spoke nipples to save 0.01g then let me do it, at the end of the day it's my bike and I can do what I want to it. There's no need for all the bitching.

I think everyone needs to chill out massively. Winter is always a busy time for tf, it gets dark earlier, its cold out, the weather is shit, and no one wants to ride, the way this forum is going it wouldn't surprise me if Danny and Tom decided to shut it and everything to do with it until people grow up and stop arguing. I know I've been a fanny to a lot of people, but to be honest 99% of the time I'm joking. I don't have a problem with Danny Kearns and Hannah, JT is happy so f**k it, he frustrates me but oh well, Hendrix is a bullshitter but I'm over it, everyone just needs to think about what they're saying and what the consequences will be.

That probably doesn't make much sense, but it's about time people got a bit more strict with the rules. I'm looking forward to the forum being a much more amusing place like it was a few years ago, at the end of the day I've been on this version of the forum coming upto 6 years, I've seen people come, go, and come back again, and I've met so many decent people from here it would be a shame to see the forum go because people are being such little bitches.

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what about when fatpants is a fool, are we allowed to take the piss out of him a bit? not like flame him to shit...... just a bit of fun :P

I doubt it. Plus, that was never fun, nor clever.

Fat Pants is young, somewhat naive, but that's no reason to rip it out of him.

I think harsher punishment is needed in general, a lot of things on here I feel aren't punished enough.

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what about when fatpants is a fool, are we allowed to take the piss out of him a bit? not like flame him to shit...... just a bit of fun :P

That's one thing that pisses me right off these days, people ripping the poor kid a new one despite not having ever met him, just jumpng on the bandwagon and often taking it a bit too far.

I've only been on here for what, not even a year? But i've definately noticed things getting more and more out of hand.

Sounds good Richard, will be nice to get the place running smoothly again (Y)

Edited by Skoze
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Yeah that pisses me off, I actually know Fatty in person and we get on pretty well, so when I take the piss outta him, although it gets to him, he knows I'm only messing. People who jump on the bandwagon are just dicks really.

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Yeah that pisses me off, I actually know Fatty in person and we get on pretty well, so when I take the piss outta him, although it gets to him, he knows I'm only messing. People who jump on the bandwagon are just dicks really.

Surely that should be a warning?

edit: :lol:

Edited by Sam Doman
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JT is happy so f**k it, he frustrates me but oh well.

I never know what i really do to frustrate you so much, you hated me 2 weeks after i was validated because "I posted in every topic", but i'm not going to change anytime soon so just ignore my posts? On a non-personal level i have absolutely zero problems with you, you know you're stuff and when someone asks a question about the for mentioned stuff you spend time and care to answer, like the mac or photography thread.

But when you take things to such personal levels, which you've done even when it wasn't fueled by me, you're going to get a reaction, people end up warned, nothings achieved, and topics like this pop up.

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That's one thing that pisses me right off these days, people ripping the poor kid a new one despite not having ever met him, just jumpng on the bandwagon and often taking it a bit too far.

i do know him though...

I actually know Fatty in person and we get on pretty well, so when I take the piss outta him, although it gets to him, he knows I'm only messing.

same here...

i didnt mean like 'glen your such a f**king idiot etc etc'

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Could this new rule enforcement spell the end for TheCircus and his shouting?

Rules don't apply to him obviously.

Even in a thread made specifically to make people aware of the rules, and to tell us Moderators will be sticking strictly to the forum Guidelines.

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It might be a good idea to chuck more people back into NMC. I think the mods are being more strict about validating recently which is great but they should also look at the current members and decide whether some don't deserve to be chucked back into NMC - especially the type of posters mentioned by Matt. Personally I find such posts offensive and would rather not see them in the members section.

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I can agree on Inur being a Mod. I do respect the fact that all the current mods work hard to keep the forum in order, but it just seems that there isn't enough of a presence here. With more decent reliable mods, no doubt the forum could be kicked back into shape in no time at all. :)

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