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The f**king c**ts Stole My Bike!


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got home, I'm pissed.

MY shed has been forecd open and my bike stolen. An d my mums, and my spare wheels & parts.


DMR Trailstar

DMR Wingbarrs

Halfords Stem (Silver thing, forgot the name)

Front Disc brake

Club Roost Blazin gSaddle

24" Halo Combats

DDG Pedals

IU'm so f**king angry. I've just walked aroud for an hour trying to find the c**ts that did this.

So so so angry.

Please keep an eye out on ebay.


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PS. Veryy drunk, and very f**king annoyed. I'm gionna string the f**kers up by the balls.

Theiving shits.

I spent yesterdauy fitting my new bars and shit!

I polished the f**king bike for these pieces of shit to come and steal it! I made it look nice for the theives!!!!

You low life peieeces of crap!

oh my god.

Pics of it are in my gallery btw

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My mate had his newish bmx build nicked then the morons tried selling it to the shop where my mate got all the bits from, so theres still hope for them trying to flog it to a shop, and if youve been round the guys will probably recognise it, did you leave a pic with any of the shops?

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Its shitty, theiving scum.

I had my car broken into on Wednesday night, stole all my CD (only copies though), CD player, bag of bike tools and my Giro Xen helmet...which were both in my boot. Smashed the driver side window to get in. Although not many (if any) people have a giro xen helmet around here...and its pretty noticable...so I'm pretty confident I'll see it again.

Helmet was f**ked anyway, big crack though it so its probably doing me a favour having it stolen.

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