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what Are The Best Magura Hs33 Pads Out

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use the search, been about a million of these topics...

anywhoo, harsh, deep gring and tar with koxx browns are good- tartybikes.co.uk

medium gring and viz orange pads are good- trials-uk.co.uk

smooth rims and zoo! pads are good- tartybikes.co.uk


Edited by elcristoff-t-pro
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I don't mean to be rude but this has been the millionth (spell?) time a pad topic has come up! But still I would

go for the Coust pad with the Heatsink CNC backings as they are just the sex - and once my gay Rimjams have seen better days - they'll be the next ones, but i do have to think twice about them as they cost 34 pound posted!

Oh and just to add - Tartybikes have a vast range of pads and if you do dancy the heatsinks theyre from - heatsinkbikes.com(Y)

Edited by nile71091
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SEARCH PLEASE, dont meen to be a dick or owt, just a little tried of topics like these.

Shaun X


1 - Sort out your spelling please.

2 - Try and be a little bit more helpfull.

3 - Im not having ago, just looking out for your best interests on getting validated.


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1 - Sort out your spelling please.

2 - Try and be a little bit more helpfull.

3 - Im not having ago, just looking out for your best interests on getting validated.


yeah i no but the

spell i cant spell i got things which i had since all my life so my spell will be f**ked up

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heyyyyyyy i run plazzie pads.......soon to be cnc plazzie pads.......awsome bit lock hold on light grinds.......

www.tartybikes.co.uk no need to shop no wear else

I've actually found them to be better all round in the plastic backings. And yes, i have tried numerous pairs of plazzies both in plastic and in cnc backings. Probably around 8-10 pairs.

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