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Pace RC250T


My bike.

I took this picture a few days after building it. Its now a few months old and I love it.

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Full Bike Pictures

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That looks absolutely awesome. I've always loved the look of Pace frames and that one is the best ive seen, ever! thumbsupanim.gif

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Thanks for the comments.

Here are a few more of the pictures.

The only things changed since then are the front brake lever and the bottom bracket.

I had all the other parts and the front brake lever was all I was waiting for, so I built it up and pinched on off another bike.

The bottom bracket was a FSA which broke after a few weeks, it now has a Race face Signature DH which has been fine for four months now, touch wood it should be good for while longer.

Images are now HERE

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Lame, I shall try and work out how to make a Gallery in the 'Members Gallery' bit then upload them to there.

Eather I'm blind, or I'm not allowed to do it, I just can't find how the hell its meant to be done. unsure.gif


DOH! In 'My Controls'. blushing.gif

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I agree, that is the sweetest pace built up I have ever seen. The frame looks really bright and shinyer than most paces for some reason. Not a fan of the forks any more though, can get in the way sometimes when trying switerland squeekers.

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