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Metebonat started following Заказать свой сайт онлайн казино
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I looked I think best option was the DMR DV24 32H rim,found for sale at £34.99 so why not:) cheers for info
I agree gota be best as why all top riders use them,I tried! to find none for sale in England or Europe:(, What your opinion on using a DMR DV24 rim for street trails bike? Just ordered gona give a try,also any knowledge on spokes?:) saw tarty bikes has halo so think halo but what length n type of nipple:) thanks for info,nice to hear/talk to trials rider, what you riding? I got Skye v3,went through a flow then Skye v2, always thought wanted try/feel the difference of a arcade
Cheers for awnsers,I agree spank 33 gota be one or the best as why all the riders use/used it:), can’t find a spank 33 any where in England or Europe did find one for €85 euros but didn’t ship to England:(,just ordered a Dmr DV24 32H on winstanleys for £35 down from £50 thought I give it a try, I’ve only owned 1 DMR bike a dirt jumper but was the strongest longest lasting bike I ever had loved it, was my first trials bike:):)
I'd try a little harder to find a Spank 33. It is by far the best rim for 24" street trials. They typically sell out w every production run so they're not always available, but definitely worth the wait.
Just FYI, plenty of people have used both of these, historically. They're a bit heavier, is the only concrete reason not to. Other than that they're just not fashionable, and a huge percentage of the people riding these kinds of bikes seem to be very concerned with having the culturally accepted parts, rather than what works for them/is cost effective. If you're looking at DJ rims though, just be careful when ordering to get the right spoke hole count. A lot of them come in 32 and 36 hole, so just double check. Definitely not speaking from experience 🙄
- Last week
I missed them,might be my best option as price, nice one:)
I just got a couple of Tartybikes rims for my son's MTB: Seem like good value and a quality option.
Jason420 started following Any 24” rim’s other than inspired??
I’m a novice in parts in need of new rear 24” rim,is inspired v2.5 £85 only choice? can’t find any 24” spank, light bicycle.i only care about strength not weight any opinions please?. i happily used the wheels that came with my SkyeV3 for like 3+ years no problem,anyone know what wheels these are? Inspired pro? Is the inspired pro V2 stronger because team V2.5 lighter? why not just a DMR rim or halo SAS??I never seen them on a street trials bike why? The strength,weigh or ? cheers
Jason420 joined the community
Site News: New Forum
stellazoe replied to tomturd's topic in Trials-Forum News, Updates & Suggestions
Exciting news about the new forum! A fresh platform means more opportunities to connect, share ideas, and explore creative topics. If customization and DIY projects are something you're passionate about, this could be a great space to discuss things like iron-on patches custom designs for clothing, accessories, and branding. Whether you're into fashion, crafting, or business branding, custom patches offer an easy way to personalize your look without sewing. Looking forward to seeing all the creative discussions and contributions in this new forum! If anyone is interested in high-quality custom patches, check out Patch Makers USA for great options. -
stellazoe joined the community
Thanks! That's Calabogie, Ontario. Eagles Nest hike. About a 20min hike to get there.
BSBESTBSME joined the community
Wagpeawl joined the community
wow. beauty. this frame!
Apologies in advance and I know that’s not a sale/wanted post but I can’t not share that I’ve got a full 20” maestro build with lykke forks gathering dust in the shed that I’d be open to selling it if anyone was interested. The reason to sell is I’ve got another (a lot more humble) 20” monty build and a 26” crewkerz which I’m enjoying more, otherwise nothing wrong with the maestro. Give me a shout if you’re interested in spec, photos, etc…
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Nikolaybah joined the community
Nope - it's still hung at the back of the garage needing a bottom bracket, freewheel and chain. Oh and the front brake needs a bleed too.
I think it's ironic how "cleverer" means having sharp or quick intelligence, yet sounds so dumb. Cleverer should not be a word, but someone out there decided it is. I swear these dumb words only exist because someone dumb wanted to prove they're not dumb.
Amp Wellbeing changed their profile photo
Turning my dmr rhythm into a hybrid street trials bike
Alc2 replied to Alc2's topic in Beginners Trials Chat
As far as I know it's 135 x10 rear end. Thank your the help. I've checked out the hope pro 4 ss/trials hub, I will have a look at the others and rims that you have recommended. I saw the industry 9 hub(really expensive) -
Turning my dmr rhythm into a hybrid street trials bike
La Bourde replied to Alc2's topic in Beginners Trials Chat
I suggest a Hope Pro V (or even pro IV or pro 2 evo 40t) ss/trials or maybe Industry Nine (really expensive). Do you have the 142 or 135 rear ends installed currently? If you have the 135*10, you can also buy a trial hub and a freewheel. That might be slightly less expensive. If the price difference is not much, I would rather go for a hope hub. Regarding the rims, I have a good experience with DT swiss, either the ex471 or fr560. Nice build quality. Spank has a good reputation too. -
completely agree back end looks long looks like a bike from halfords aimed at 'stunts' surprising as clean seems to be a very premium brand
Turning my dmr rhythm into a hybrid street trials bike
Alc2 replied to Alc2's topic in Beginners Trials Chat
Thanks for the reply. I would like to keep this bike but change the gearing slightly as to make pedal kicks easier. I have a front brake so that's a good thing. I rode BMX a long time ago for about 15 years so it feels slightly different to that. I was thinking this bike could be a bike that could do it all, skatepark, dirt jumps and if I changed the gearing street trials. I thought that about the driver on my rear hub. I've had a look about for a rear wheel but I don't really know what I'm looking for. -
Turning my dmr rhythm into a hybrid street trials bike
La Bourde replied to Alc2's topic in Beginners Trials Chat
Hi, Difficult question. Why do you want to sell the bike at all? DJ, skatepark or street is not what you were looking for? Trials or street/trials require a specific bike past a certain level, but you can learn the basics with any bike. Some bikes are easier to start with for sure, but the question is whether you will stick to it or not. A I was moderator on a French trials forum, I observed too often people selling their bikes after one year of trials. My advice is to start with your bike as this and learn trackstand, bunny, manual, getting up some small steps, bunny to rear, 180, riding backwards, hoping on the rear wheel backwards and if you have a front brake, stoppies, bunny up to front, 180 on the front wheel, etc. As soon as you really feel addicted, ask yourself again how do you really want to ride. Meet people owning one and ask them to ride with. I think you won't find easily a driver with 15t compatible and even in this case, the small amount of points of engagement is a big drawback. You can swap for a rear wheel with e.g. hope hub but it is quite expensive. On the other hand, it is a nice hub for a DJ bike too. -
Hello all. New here and new to trials. I purchased a dmr rhythm team last month, however I've been watching lots of YouTube videos of street trials videos and it's something I would like to attempt. I would like to change the gearing to be more trialsy. The rear hub has a 13t driver. Would i be able to swap this for a bigger cog? Or get a rear wheel? And change the front sprocket for something smaller with a bash guard. Or do i need to admit I've bought the wrong bike and buy a 26" street trials bike instead. Thanks in advance.
The Carbon v-brake brand from Kevin is Lykke; which I think he only made for one year and presumably had the same company has who did Maestro make the frames because they came out the year after his big promotion with Maestro.
Maybe v-brakes were so ahead of their time that you have to wait for responses to come from the future... Or Kevin is shifty, but mostly in a shifting gears while pretending to race cars kind of way.