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My New Bike!


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Hi guys/gals!

Had to post pictures of my bike here since i'm not allowed to post any new topics elsewhere on the forum.

It's my first trials bike, so nothing too special;

Monty 2007 219 Magura


Pictures aren't that great i know, took them with my phone but you get the idea.

Maybe when i learn how to trial ride, i'll see some of you folk around!

Cya, Andy.

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ahaha i love those bikes! a friend of mine has the same but in scothbrite (Silver) i think they ride lush!! just get rid of the seat and buy a monty seat pad (Y):P

Thanks for the replys guys much appreciated, don't even know what a monty seat pad is lol :$ .


Edited by Dak`
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Not had the best of days today, was getting into the swing of things and the bloody inner tube had bust, which i didn't think were a problem until i found out if was a slash around the valve >_<

Was a little bit gutted as i'd just sold my car an hour earlier, so have no means of transportation either lol.

Oh well, heres the damage;


Poor picture quality again, taken with Sony Ericsson W810i.

Andy ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got my back wheel fixed, had a decent ride, decided i don't like it, bit too small for me, wanting something a little bigger maybe a 26"

What sort of money would i be looking at if i were sell it? considering it's only had about 14/15 hours use!

Cheers, Dak`

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From personal experiance that is a great bike to start with because im riding one at the moment!

yeah like a couple of people have said i would take the seat off

very nice bike though all round


Yeah it is a nice bike, but for me personally it's too small! looking for something bigger! Any ideas?

Dak` ;)

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What is the front disk like on those?

There quite good actually, although i bent mine slighty when putting into the back of my car lol, so it scrapes the caliper.

Hi mate im getting this bike soon...how tall are you?/is it quite a long frame?

I'm 6ft 1, erm not sure about it been along frame as i tend to catch my knee's on the stem a few times, i think thats just down to personal opinion, i find the bike too small!

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