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    James Bates
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  1. Spoke to Pace, who after some digging around found some and sent them to me the next day for a reasonable price. Sorted!
  2. Sure that's one port of call, but as its sunday i'm sure they're out riding ) I was guessing i'd find some options here as i'm sure there have been a few people on this forum own these forks... In fact after some scraping around i've found this -
  3. Got a pair of Pace RC32 forks (from around 2004?) in black with canti mount "holes" but no actual "boss" sticking out, so need to get some! Hope this makes sense (as it does to me) lol Any idea where i can get some, and are they a set size or specific? Thanks in advance
  4. Some clips of Martyn on the Hex at the Bike show on Saturday... http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=F16A2F09B7C2D613
  5. nice! still looks way cooler doing trials on a bike that resembles a small mountain bike than it does on a 20"er with no saddle! (ready to be flamed!) i guess its just personal preference ;-)
  6. Big respect for building up the HT! Looks sweet. I had one "back in the day" i remember going to mbuk/bike exhibition in earls court? in 1999 and getting one in sky blue just like that! Coming from riding trials in the mid 90's with canti's and a Kona cindecone (steel) in small and a mate had a zaskar/avalanche in small etc. the way we had to learn was totally different... I got another frame a few years back (previously owned by Luke - TritonBikes) and built it up from scratch. It was sweet. http://www.pinkbike.com/photo/659354/ Then it kinda evolved... http://www.pinkbike.com/photo/1139420/ Then i put the frame away as i wasnt using it for trials. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=5264699&l=e7b9386842&id=695291898 http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=5264700&l=7a11dade99&id=695291898 http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=5264701&l=7e8b939b22&id=695291898 I even put the pace forks on my hardtail, but the BB is just that bit too low! http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=5295012&l=3d540e2a20&id=695291898 Hopefully i get the time/money/space to build up the HT. Its like a phoenix, rising from the ashes.....
  7. baby oil, water & antifreeze, etc but how much? i have about 50-75ml of blood, if thats enough i might as well use that!
  8. any idea if i can mix old magura blood with new magura blood? if anyone knows how much fluid is in the entire system it would really help before i build a set back up...
  9. anyone know how much magura fluid is needed in a complete set of HS33's? (in "ml's" if possible) Thanks in advance
  10. just incase anyone cant wait that long and wants to go along for a warmup session..... this sunday 9th april, MBUK forum/Choclate foot/UrbanLondon riders are going out for a mix of urban stlyes on the south bank in london 10am start ;-) (two wheels are better than none)
  11. yeah the moment i read this thread... ...but seriously, for every bad day you have, youll be rewarded with a good day ;-)
  12. talking of which..... [attachmentid=3253] chav.bmp
  13. yeah ive read they need special Ti-Prep.... well, i havent got the money for them but, i would consider then in the future....
  14. nice one, i take it there good then!
  15. I want to share this with everyone. Super strong, super light spokes, in different colours, only thing is the price. £68 per wheel (20") or £75 per wheel (26") Manufacter Site http://www.marwiusa.com/default.aspx?cid=p...bbid=4&taxid=34 Uk Distributors site http://balfa.co.uk/index.php3 So whos going to be the first to have these, feel free to share you thoughts....
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