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    • Этот пользователь системы WebMoney зарегистрирован в качестве продавца на торговой площадке Plati При покупке товаров у этого продавца, рекомендуем обратить особое внимание на общее количество продаж, наличие отзывов покупателей, содержимое этих отзывов https://sellerweb.ru/category/bluetooth/ Необходимые файлы cookie https://sellerweb.ru/adapter-bluetooth-5-4/
    • Sellerweb Адаптер Bluetooth 5 https://sellerweb.ru/product-tag/rtl8761buv/ 3 блютус адаптер для ПК Адаптер Sellerweb RTL-812 Bluetooth 5 https://sellerweb.ru/blog/page/2/ 3Новейший чип Bluetooth 2023 года от компании Realtek!Адаптер принимает и передает данные: звука (стерео), изображения, видео, текстовые файлы, файл различных расширений, выполняет функцию пульта управления https://sellerweb.ru/product/adapter-bluetooth-5-3-sellerweb-rtl-811/ Коннектиться по Bluetooth со всеми устройствами: планшет, смартфон, Цвет: When we last covered this block, we speculated that more redevelopment might be in the works, given the favorable zoning for mixed-use and the fact that other properties were not being used to their full potential https://sellerweb.ru/product-category/usb/ Thus far, there’s no sign that any of the neighboring commercial tenants are going anywhere https://sellerweb.ru/product/adapter-bluetooth-5-4-rm54/ But that could change quickly, especially considering that the property next to the Vale is occupied by Rite Aid, a company that has been aggressively closing locations in the last couple years https://sellerweb.ru/drajvera/ We’ll keep our eyes and ears open as usual, and will be sure to sound the alarm if and when this block takes its next step forward https://sellerweb.ru/product-category/usb4/ Never miss a story: sign up to our weekly newsletter https://sellerweb.ru/product-tag/bluetooth/
    • Thanks for the reply. That's the general idea I've got from reading around as well. Seems like the best option.
    • Passed the promotion interview board at work, which i'm very happy about. Got offered a role that I wasn't expecting and comes with significantly more responsibility than i've had before. On the positive side it also comes with significantly more money. Hopefully I can adapt to the new role and maintain a reasonable work/life balance, as there's not much point in extra money if you can't enjoy it. Also, the bottom end of my Audi S4 engine has been built, i've rebuilt the K04 turbos, just the heads to do and it all goes back in the car. Sadly it won't be ready for our wedding in May. But that was always ambitious. I really can't wait to get it back on the road, it should be much more fun than the little Suzuki Swift i've been borrowing. And finally after a year out due to injury and getting fat, i'm back to climbing. Definitely not at the level I was, fingers crossed i'll shift some more chub and build on the strength i've got Definitely feels good to be moving in the right direction
    • Sounds pretty standard for those Echo pistons. The only recommendation I'd give is to source some Magura slaves (or ideally a full brake) and swap them out
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