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    • It was internet trolls he was talking about. Hee haw about observers.
    • Like your self im looking for local riders as just getting back into it    Not sure if im past it as im of a similar age 🤣
    • Getting back in to riding    come from the era of CLS, watson etc   wondered if anyone local to Yorkshire still rides , or knows of any decent spots to ride in said area 
    • Recently I watched a video telling you how to keep your tools in the shed rust free - place a camphor block (has to be the real deal, apparently there are fake or let’s say lower quality camphor blocks which don’t work) in your tool box which over time will form thin coating on your tools to prevent from rust. I don’t remember it word for word but you can find out more with a quick google search, I’m sure. Never tried it myself but I’m wondering if you could put your bike in a box along with a few camphor blocks and see if that works? Cheers, Nas
    • Thank you AI, but also nope to most of that. Swoofty, I think you are spoiled by the LA weather that keeps classic cars running forever. My bikes up in Seattle are never in "storage" they get ridden a lot (and cars don't rust much hear either, its the salt on the roads I grew up on in the midwest that does it I think). That said I find some of the connectors (steel obviously) on my Maggies will corrode/oxidize/rust (all of those are acceptable terms despite Rup's pearls of wisdom, though rust is the least scientific). Some of it might be my sweat dripping on there, some of it might just be less than perfect finishes on them, pretty much none of it is galvanic (from dissimilar metals touching), at least the stuff I can see and that you are pointing out. These fittings would oxidize just the same if they were sitting on a shelf. The same thing happens on v-brake hardware and other bolts on my non-trials bikes. My advice for you (gleaned from the owner of a bike shop I used to work in, far more than my work experience as a metallurgical engineer) is to buff off any corrosion with scotchbrite or some similar gentle abrasive and then put a very light coating of WD-40 or some other oil on there to act as a CIC (corrosion inhibiting compound to those unfamiliar). Its not a perfect solution, but nothing is and as someone that knows, the way the bike industry ignores corrosion is pretty amazing.
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