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    • Thanks for the reply. I would like to keep this bike but change the gearing slightly as to make pedal kicks easier.  I have a front brake so that's a good thing.  I rode BMX a long time ago for about 15 years so it feels slightly different to that. I was thinking this bike could be a bike that could do it all, skatepark, dirt jumps and if I changed the gearing street trials.  I thought that about the driver on my rear hub. I've had a look about for a rear wheel but I don't really know what I'm looking for.
    • Hi,   Difficult question. Why do you want to sell the bike at all? DJ, skatepark or street is not what you were looking for?   Trials or street/trials require a specific bike past a certain level, but you can learn the basics with any bike. Some bikes are easier to start with for sure, but the question is whether you will stick to it or not. A I was moderator on a French trials forum, I observed too often people selling their bikes after one year of trials. My advice is to start with your bike as this and learn trackstand, bunny, manual, getting up some small steps, bunny to rear, 180, riding backwards, hoping on the rear wheel backwards and if you have a front brake, stoppies, bunny up to front, 180 on the front wheel, etc.  As soon as you really feel addicted, ask yourself again how do you really want to ride. Meet people owning one and ask them to ride with.   I think you won't find easily a driver with 15t compatible and even in this case, the small amount of points of engagement is a big drawback. You can swap for a rear wheel with e.g. hope hub but it is quite expensive. On the other hand, it is a nice hub for a DJ bike too.  
    • Hello all. New here and new to trials. I purchased a dmr rhythm team last month, however I've been watching lots of YouTube videos of street trials videos and it's something I would like to attempt.  I would like to change the gearing to be more trialsy.  The rear hub has a 13t driver. Would i be able to swap this for a bigger cog? Or get a rear wheel? And change the front sprocket for something smaller with a bash guard. Or do i need to admit I've bought the wrong bike and buy a 26" street trials bike instead.  Thanks in advance. 
    • The Carbon v-brake brand from Kevin is Lykke; which I think he only made for one year and presumably had the same company has who did Maestro make the frames because they came out the year after his big promotion with Maestro.
    • Maybe v-brakes were so ahead of their time that you have to wait for responses to come from the future... Or Kevin is shifty, but mostly in a shifting gears while pretending to race cars kind of way.
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